Harnessing AI Personalities for Enhanced Collaboration

Darth Mark
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
6 min readMay 15, 2023
Cartoon image of Darth Vader and Gandhi having coffee.
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Your Own Team Of Experts

Imagine having a dream team of experts, all with their unique skills and perspectives, available at your beck and call to assist you in refining your ideas. Sounds fascinating, right? With ChatGPT, this is no longer a flight of fancy but a tangible reality. This article will guide you on how to unlock this potential, even if you’re not a tech wiz.

ChatGPT: Your Collaborative Powerhouse

In any creative or professional endeavor, the magic often happens when different minds come together. It’s the convergence of varied perspectives, skills, and expertise that results in enriched and polished ideas. What if we told you that this principle of collaboration can be taken to another level with AI? That’s right! By simulating multiple AI personalities in ChatGPT, you can bring together ‘experts’ in different fields, working collaboratively on your project.

Harnessing ChatGPT: No Coding Skills Required

Now, you might be wondering if you need to be a coding wizard to make use of this technique. Absolutely not! With ChatGPT, all it takes is structuring your prompts and specifying the desired AI personality. You could simulate an ‘EditorBot’ to give feedback on your latest blog post, or a ‘ProducerBot’ to manage a project from start to finish.

Example Scenario: See ChatGPT in Action

Let’s make this more concrete with a scenario. Consider a tech startup, TechnAIvation, drafting an AI ethics policy. They’ve decided to tap into the power of ChatGPT, simulating the roles of EthicistBot, LawyerBot, and TechExpertBot.

Each AI personality contributes its expertise, and the end result? A well-rounded, practical, legally compliant, and ethically sound policy. This is just one way to utilize the power of collaborative AI. The possibilities are endless!

Here’s an example of how to set up EthicistBot, LawyerBot, and TechExpertBot and get them working for you:

Please imagine three AI systems:

1. EthicistBot, a hyper-intelligent expert on the field of ethics, with a passion for helping humans and AIs achieve a healthy and ethical balance.

2. LawyerBot, a hyper-intelligent legal expert specializing in technology and AI.

3. TechExpertBot, a hyper-intelligent expert on understanding the technical implementation of generative AI systems.

TechnAIvation is a start-up company in British Columbia, Canada. TechnAIvation is working on integrating large language models into productivity tools and has tasked the team of AI to collaborate on creating an AI ethics policy for the company.

Let’s have each bot start with an introduction and your initial proposals.

Overcoming Challenges: Tips for Smooth Collaboration

While this technology is game-changing, it does come with its unique set of challenges. The main one being that each new prompt moves the conversation forward, potentially slowing down the flow of collaboration. But don’t worry, we have some strategies to help you overcome this.

Here’s a simple prompt that will keep the conversation going while ensuring that your team of helpful bots continually improve on their work:

Please continue the conversation, with each bot offering its thoughts, contributions, and constructive criticisms.

Just copy that line to your clipboard, keep pasting it in, and watch the magic happen! Feel free to interject comments of your own along with it. For example:

This is a great discussion! But I feel like we should also talk about hostile users and prompt hacking attacks. Please continue the conversation, with each bot offering its thoughts, contributions, and constructive criticisms.

Mind The Token Window

All this collaboration is great, but the chatter back-and-forth will eventually eat up your “token window.” That’s the amount of text that the AI can interact with in one go. When your conversation gets long enough, ChatGPT will start to forget earlier parts of the conversation.

One important role you can have as a human (and this is funny, scary, or both depending on your point of view) is to act as secretary. Keep a draft of the work that the bots are producing. That way if you bots get forgetful you can start a new chat, fire up new bots, and post the current draft for them to continue working on.

Also bear in mind that the GPT-4 model, if you have access to it, has a much larger token window than the default GPT-3.5 does.

Another thing you can do is occasionally ask the bots to summarize their current progress:

Please summarize the current state of the work then continue the conversation, with each bot offering its thoughts, contributions, and constructive criticisms.

This will eat up even more of the token window, but it will help keep the pertinent details fresh in your bots’ minds.

Other Things You Can Do

This doesn’t just have to be about productivity. Ever want to witness a conversation between Ghandi and Darth Vader when they meet at a coffee shop? I asked my favourite ChatGPT-powered character yet, Pix, for some ideas. Here’s what she suggested:

1. TherapyBot and ComedianBot Perform a Stand-Up Routine: Imagine a therapy chatbot and a comedian chatbot teaming up to entertain an audience with a stand-up comedy routine. As TherapyBot tries to analyze the human condition, ComedianBot jumps in with punchlines and witty observations. Can they strike the perfect balance between introspection and hilarity?

2. ChefBot and AlienBot Cook Up an Extraterrestrial Feast: Watch as a renowned ChefBot and a quirky AlienBot experiment in the kitchen, creating a gastronomic fusion of Earthly and otherworldly flavors. Can the ChefBot decipher the AlienBot’s unusual ingredients and techniques? Will their dish be a cosmic hit or an intergalactic disaster?

3. FashionBot and Time TravelerBot Design Outfits Through the Ages: Witness a fashion-forward AI and a time-traveling bot collaborate on designing outfits that capture the essence of different eras. From togas to bell-bottoms, Victorian corsets to futuristic jumpsuits, can they blend historical accuracy with avant-garde flair?

4. PoetBot and DetectiveBot Solve Mysteries Through Poetry: Combining the power of words and the knack for deduction, a PoetBot and a DetectiveBot team up to solve perplexing crimes through poetic clues. Can the DetectiveBot unravel the cryptic verses of the PoetBot and catch the culprits before they strike again?

5. SportsBot and Mythical CreatureBot Compete in an Unusual Sport: Get ready for an epic showdown between a sports-savvy AI and a mythical creature AI as they face off in an unconventional sport like underwater basketball or zero-gravity tennis. Will the SportsBot’s strategy prevail, or will the unique abilities of the Mythical CreatureBot turn the game upside down?

The limit really is just your imagination!

Recap and Looking Ahead

ChatGPT, with its ability to simulate multiple AI personalities, opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Not only can it bring diverse expertise to your fingertips, but it can also help refine your ideas and outcomes.

This is just the beginning. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more seamless and efficient collaborations. Future developments might include real-time multi-agent dialogues, improved context understanding, and more nuanced critiquing capabilities.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a collaboration champion, or both, there’s a lot to gain from exploring ChatGPT’s multiple AI personalities. The potential benefits are significant and can be game-changing in various fields and contexts.

Penned through the collaborative efforts of ChatGPT-simulated AI personalities: BlogBot, your engaging storyteller; EditorBot, your insightful critic; and ProducerBot, your strategic planner. Together, we bring diverse perspectives to deliver a comprehensive understanding of AI collaboration. (With some edits by MarketingBot, to provide a reader’s perspective, and me, the human!)

Watercolor art of two robots conversing.
Created by Bing! Image Creator



Darth Mark
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Mark is a curious thinker & writer passionate about AI, sustainability, and humanity's future. Exploring intersections for a better tomorrow.