Reinforcement Learning, Part 5: Monte-Carlo and Temporal-Difference Learning

A step-by-step approach to understanding Q-learning

dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business
6 min readNov 21, 2019


Previous posts in my Reinforcement Learning series:

  1. A Brief Introduction to RL
  2. Introducing the Markov Process
  3. Markov Decision Process (MDP)
  4. Optimal Policy Search with MDP

Now that we’ve covered MDP, it’s time to discuss Q-learning. To develop our knowledge of this topic, we need to build a step-by-step understanding of:

  • dynamic programming (DP): introduced in our discussion of MDP
  • Monte-Carlo (MC) learning: to adapt when information is lacking
  • The simplest Temporal Difference learning, TD(0): a combination of DP and MC

Once we’ve covered Monte Carlo and Temporal Difference Learning, we will arrive at the more well-known Q-learning.

Let’s get started!

MDP and Dynamic Programming

In the last few parts of my series, we’ve been learning how to solve problems with a Markov Decision Process (MDP). To do this, we evaluate a given strategy using dynamic programming (DP) and arrive at the optimal value function through continuous iteration.

Let’s lay out and review a few key terms to help us proceed:

  • dynamic programming: breaking a large problem down into incremental steps so optimal solutions to sub-problems can be found at any given stage
  • model: a mathematical representation of a real-world process (see “Learning with Adam” in Part 3)
  • Bellman Optimality Equation: gives us the means to estimate the optimal value of each state (see Part 4)

Now it’s important to note that MDP only works with a known model, in which all five tuples (shown below) are evident.

Starting with this article, we will enter into solving an MDP problem when part of the model is unknown.

In this case, our agent must learn from the environment by interacting with it and collecting experiences, or samples. In doing so, the agent carries out strategy evaluation and iteration and can obtain the optimal strategy.

Since the theory to support this approach comes from the Monte-Carlo method, let’s start by discussing Monte Carlo learning.

Monte-Carlo Learning

We’ve learned that an entire problem can be transformed into a Markov Decision Process (MDP), which makes decisions with the five tuples < s, P, a, R, γ > above.

When we know all five, it’s easy to calculate an optimal strategy to get the maximum reward. However, in the real world, we almost never have all of this information at the same time.

For example, the state transition probability (P) is difficult to know and, without it, we can’t use the Bellman Equation below to solve V and Q values.

But what if we have to solve a problem without knowing P? How can we transform it into a Markov Decision Process?

First, consider that although we don’t know what the state transition probability P is, we do know objectively that it exists. Therefore, we simply have to find it.

To do so, we can have our agent run trials, constantly collecting samples, getting rewards, and thereby evaluating the value function. This is exactly how the Monte-Carlo method works: try many times, and the final estimated V value will be very close to the real V value.

Monte-Carlo Evaluation

As mentioned, the Monte-Carlo method involves letting an agent learn from the environment by interacting with it and collecting samples. This is equivalent to sampling from the probability distribution P(s, a, s’) and R(s, a).

However, Monte-Carlo (MC) estimation is only for trial-based learning. In other words, an MDP without the P tuple can learn by trial-and-error, through many repetitions.

In this learning process, each “try” is called an episode, and all episodes must terminate. That is, the final state of the MDP should be reached. Values for each state are updated only based on final reward Gt, not on estimations of neighbor states — as occurs in the Bellman Optimality Equation.

MC learns from complete episodes and is therefore only suitable for what we call episodic MDP.

Here is our updated state value formula:

In which:

  • V(St) is the state value that we are going to estimate, which can be initialized randomly or with a certain strategy.
  • Gt is calculated above, T is the terminate time.
  • is a parameter like learning rate. It can influence the convergence.

Various Methods to Get V(St)

Consider this: If the state s appears twice in an episode at time t + 1 and time t + 2 respectively, do we use one or both when calculating the value of the state s? And how often do we updateV(St)? Our answers to these questions will leads us to different approaches:

  • First-Visit Monte-Carlo Policy Evaluation

With policy ( could be a random policy just as we used in previous articles) for each episode, only the first time that the agent arrives at S counts:

  • EverEvery-Visit Monte-Carlo Policy Evaluation

With policy ( could be a random policy just as we used in previous articles) for each episode, every time that the agent arrives at S counts:

  • Incremental Monte-Carlo Updates

For each state St in the episode, there is a reward Gt, and for every timeSt appears, the average value of the state,V(St) is calculated by the following formula:

Temporal-Difference Learning

The Monte-Carlo reinforcement learning algorithm overcomes the difficulty of strategy estimation caused by an unknown model. However, a disadvantage is that the strategy can only be updated after the whole episode.

In other words, the Monte Carlo method does not make full use of the MDP learning task structure. Luckily, that’s where the more efficient Temporal-Difference (TD) method comes in, making full use of the MDP structure.

Temporal-Difference Learning: A Combination of Deep Programming and Monte Carlo

As we know, the Monte Carlo method requires waiting until the end of the episode to determine V(St). The Temporal-Difference or TD method, on the other hand, only needs to wait until the next time step.

That is, at time t + 1, the TD method uses the observed reward Rt+1and immediately forms a TD target R(t+1)+V(St+1), updating V(St) with TD error (which we’ll define below).

Having addressed the shortcomings of Monte Carlo, we’re ready to further discuss Temporal-Difference learning. The famous Q-learning algorithm falls within the TD method, but let’s start with the simplest one, called TD (0).

TD (0)

In Monte-Carlo, Gt is an actual return from the complete episode. Now, if we replace Gt with an estimated return R(t+1)+V(St+1), this is what TD(0) would look like:


  • R(t+1)+V(St+1) is called TD target value
  • R(t+1)+V(St+1)- V(St)is called TD error.

MC uses accurate return Gt to update value, while TD uses the Bellman Optimality Equation to estimate value, and then updates the estimated value with the target value.


You made it! From this article, I hope you‘ve gained a basic knowledge of:

  • MC: Monte-Carlo Learning
  • TD: Temporal-Difference Learning
  • The simplest TD learning, TD (0)

Next time, we’ll introduce a more complex TD learning, TD(), which will lead us directly to Q-learning.

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dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business

NLP Engineer, Google Developer Expert, AI Specialist in Yodo1