11 Best LinkedIn Post Case Studies: What Made Them Tick?

AJ Marketing
AJ Marketing Blog
Published in
13 min readDec 19, 2023

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing and social media, LinkedIn stands as a formidable giant, offering unparalleled opportunities for professionals and brands to make their mark. This is more than just an article; it’s a treasure trove of insights into the art of crafting compelling content in the world of professional networking. Here, we dissect the elements of virality, engagement, and strategy that transform ordinary posts into extraordinary conversations.

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Each case study in this collection is a masterclass in marketing excellence, showcasing how a single post can transcend the boundaries of LinkedIn to make a tangible impact in the broader digital world. We delve into diverse strategies, from harnessing the power of storytelling in digital marketing to employing cutting-edge techniques for maximizing virality and engagement.

Whether you’re an aspiring digital marketer, a business leader, or someone eager to boost their social media presence, these insights are your gateway to mastering LinkedIn.

11 Best LinkedIn Post Case Studies

11. “Top 10 Finance Certifications”

Posted by: Nicolas Boucher
Reactions: 14,628

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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post is a comprehensive guide tailored for young finance professionals seeking advice on certifications. The author provides a curated list of the top 10 finance certifications, including CPA, CMA, CFA, FMVA, FRM, FPAC, CA, ACCA, CIA, and CTP.

What Made it Tick

The post’s appeal is rooted in its comprehensive and authoritative content, coupled with a personal and engaging approach. It meticulously lists crucial finance certifications, enhancing its value as a one-stop resource. The author, while showcasing their expertise, maintains a relatable tone by acknowledging that certifications are not the sole indicator of a professional’s value. The inclusion of a personal note and an invitation for reader interaction further boosts engagement. Additionally, the author’s candidness about their own course, positioned as a practical alternative to traditional certifications, adds honesty and practicality to the post. This blend of informative content, personal insights, and a call to action for sharing makes the post both informative and engaging, encouraging interaction and wider visibility within the LinkedIn community.

10. “Things I’m Doing At 43 To Avoid Regret When I’m 83”

Posted by: Dan Go
Reactions: 19,822

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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post shares a personal list of “Things I’m Doing At 43 To Avoid Regret When I’m 83,” offering a blend of health, lifestyle, and relational strategies. The list also includes health-focused habits like cardio, mental and emotional well-being, and finances and investing.

What Made it Tick

The post resonates due to its holistic approach to life and well-being, which appeals to a wide audience. It goes beyond the typical professional advice, touching on personal health, relationships, and emotional well-being, making it highly relatable and inspiring. The inclusion of diverse aspects like physical fitness, family values, community engagement, and financial planning offers a comprehensive blueprint for a balanced life. Its appeal is further enhanced by the personal nature of the content, as the author shares their own life strategies, adding authenticity and credibility. This diverse and personal approach likely sparked interest and engagement from the LinkedIn community, resonating with many who aspire to live a well-rounded, regret-free life.

9. “Keeping it real”

Posted by: Victoria T.
Reactions: 20,322
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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post offers a refreshing and humorous perspective on the everyday realities of professional life. The post is a lighthearted yet meaningful nod to the majority of professionals who might not have sensational achievements to share daily but are consistently contributing through their regular efforts.

What Made it Tick

The post’s appeal lies in its relatability and down-to-earth tone. In a platform often filled with success stories and highlight reels, this post stands out by celebrating the less glamorous, yet equally important, aspect of professional life: consistency and dedication in everyday tasks. The humorous approach, especially the exaggerated example of not sending “carrier pigeons with hand-written wax-sealed envelopes,” adds a touch of levity, making the post engaging and shareable. It resonates with a broad audience by acknowledging and validating the efforts of those who may feel overshadowed by more sensational success stories, thereby fostering a sense of community and understanding among professionals on LinkedIn.

8. “Give yourself a personal MBA in 6 months”

Posted by: Ben Meer
Reactions: 27,467

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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post, authored by Ben, a Cornell MBA graduate, proposes an alternative to formal business education. This self-study approach is presented as a cost-effective alternative to the hefty price tag of a traditional MBA program.

What Made it Tick

The post’s appeal lies in its practical and cost-effective solution to gaining comprehensive business knowledge. In an era where educational costs are soaring, the idea of self-education through a structured reading plan is both innovative and accessible. Ben’s credibility as a Cornell MBA graduate who has extensively explored the subject through literature adds weight to his recommendations. Additionally, the post taps into the growing trend of self-improvement and lifelong learning, resonating with professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs who seek to enhance their skills without the financial burden of formal education. The comprehensive list of topics addresses various aspects of business, making it a well-rounded resource for a wide audience.

7. “My full name has been a source of pride & shame”

Posted by: Mita Mallick
Reactions: 28,998
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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post by Mita Mallick reflects on her experiences with her full name, Madhumita Mallick, in the workplace. She shares personal instances of her name being a source of both pride and shame. The post concludes with appreciation for Procter & Gamble’s campaign that seemingly addresses issues related to names in the workplace.

What Made it Tick

The post resonates strongly due to its honest and personal narrative on a sensitive and relatable issue — the significance of one’s name and the experience of having it disrespected in a professional setting. Mallick’s reflections on the mixture of pride and shame associated with her name in the workplace strike a chord with many who have faced similar challenges. By sharing her story, she highlights the broader issue of cultural sensitivity and respect in professional environments. The post’s impact is further amplified by the acknowledgment of a well-known corporation’s campaign, suggesting a growing awareness and action on such issues. This combination of personal storytelling and the connection to a larger movement likely contributed to the post’s engagement and impact within the LinkedIn community.

6. “The CEO Checklist”

Posted by: Oana Labes
Reactions: 31,657

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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post outlines the distinctions between careers in Accounting and Finance, aiming to clarify the different roles, skills, and qualifications required for each field. It invites readers to contribute their thoughts, encouraging engagement and discussion on the topic.

What Made it Tick

The post’s effectiveness lies in its clear, concise comparison of two closely related yet distinct fields. By breaking down the roles, designations, and skills required in Accounting and Finance, the post provides valuable insights for professionals and students contemplating careers in these areas. Its educational nature appeals to a wide range of LinkedIn users seeking career guidance or industry knowledge. The inclusion of a call-to-action, asking readers what they would add, fosters engagement and community interaction. Additionally, the post promotes the author’s newsletter, “The Finance Gem,” cleverly using the post as a content marketing tool to expand their subscriber base. This combination of informative content and subtle promotion likely contributed to the post’s popularity and engagement within the LinkedIn community.

5. “7 Italian concepts”

Posted by: Jade Bonacolta
Reactions: 46,414

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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post shares seven Italian concepts that have the potential to significantly impact one’s approach to life. These concepts range from “Il dolce far niente,” which celebrates the sweetness of doing nothing, to “Sprezzatura,” the art of making something look effortless. Each concept, imbued with Italian cultural wisdom, offers a unique perspective on life, encouraging readers to embrace a more mindful, appreciative, and relaxed approach to their daily lives.

What Made it Tick

The allure of this post lies in its fusion of cultural wisdom with universal life lessons, making it both enlightening and relatable to a broad audience. The Italian concepts presented are not only charming but also serve as gentle reminders of the often-overlooked joys and philosophies in life. This post stands out in a professional network like LinkedIn, where the usual focus is on career and productivity, by offering a refreshing change of pace. It encourages professionals to pause and consider the broader aspects of life, such as appreciation, beauty, and ease. The post’s simplicity, coupled with the profound depth of each concept, likely resonated with many, providing a moment of contemplation amidst their busy lives. The universal appeal of these concepts, transcending cultural boundaries, further contributes to the post’s engagement and popularity on the platform.

4. “I was in a TOXIC workplace”

Posted by: Tasleem Ahmad Fateh 👽
Reactions: 59,392
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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post recounts a personal experience that led the author to identify their workplace as toxic. It describes a conversation with a boss who criticizes the author for not spending enough time at their desk, despite the author’s excellent performance reviews. The boss emphasizes the importance of others’ perceptions over actual work quality. The post concludes with the author’s decision to quit, asserting that no workplace should prioritize perception over performance.

What Made it Tick

The post resonates with many professionals who have encountered similar workplace challenges, where perceptions and office politics overshadow actual job performance. Its candidness in describing a personal experience of a toxic work environment taps into a common frustration felt by many employees. The post’s narrative style, with direct dialogue, effectively conveys the tension and absurdity of the situation, making it relatable and emotionally engaging. The author’s decision to quit in response to the unreasonable demands underscores a growing awareness and refusal to tolerate toxic workplace cultures. This story of standing up against unfair practices likely inspired others facing similar situations, contributing to its popularity and engagement on LinkedIn. Such posts often serve as a catalyst for broader discussions on workplace culture and employee well-being on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn.

3. “Leadership green flags”

Posted by: Chris Donnelly Donelly
Reactions: 103,490

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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post discusses the nature of good leadership, emphasizing that it is a learnable skill rather than an elusive trait. It contrasts the common focus on the negatives of leadership with the importance of recognizing and modeling positive leadership behaviors. The post lists several “leadership green flags,” which include taking an interest in employees’ lives outside work, respecting boundaries, being transparent, and sharing rewards.

What Made it Tick

The appeal of this post lies in its positive and practical approach to leadership. Instead of dwelling on poor leadership qualities, it offers a refreshing focus on the characteristics of good leaders, providing a clear and aspirational set of behaviors for current and aspiring leaders. This optimistic viewpoint is especially relevant in an era where leadership styles are evolving, and there is a growing emphasis on empathy, transparency, and employee well-being. The detailed list of positive traits serves as a useful guide for self-assessment and improvement for leaders, making the post not only inspirational but also actionable. By highlighting the attainable nature of good leadership, the post encourages professional growth and development, resonating with a wide audience on LinkedIn, a platform where many are keen on enhancing their leadership skills.

2. “A Senior Account Executive story”

Posted by: Robynn Storey
Reactions: 112,127
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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post narrates the experience of a Senior Account Executive who, after working tirelessly for over two years without a day off, faced constant work interruptions during her family vacation at Disneyworld. Despite informing her boss of her unavailability, she was inundated with calls, emails, and requests for meetings, which ultimately led her to resign. The story concludes with her finding a new job with a more understanding employer who respects work-life balance.

What Made it Tick

The post powerfully highlights the importance of work-life balance and the detrimental effects of its absence. Its appeal lies in the relatability of the situation — many professionals have faced similar intrusions into their personal time, making the narrative both impactful and evocative. The detailed account of the employee’s disrupted vacation and the consequent anxiety it caused underscores the need for employers to respect their employees’ time off. This story particularly resonated on LinkedIn, a platform for professionals, as it serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of poor management practices and the value of employers who genuinely care for their employees’ well-being. The positive ending, where the protagonist finds a better work environment, offers hope and encourages professionals to seek employers who value their contributions without encroaching on their personal lives. This balance of a real-world problem and a hopeful resolution likely made the post highly engaging and widely shared among professionals.

1. “My friend got 2 raises in 2 years”

Posted by: Tobi Oluwole
Reactions: 190,109
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What’s it About

This LinkedIn post tells the story of a person’s friend who received four raises in two years without any promotions. The reason behind these raises was the company’s policy of adjusting the salaries of existing employees to match those of new hires in the same role. This practice led the friend’s salary to increase significantly, and he later received a promotion with an additional raise.

What Made it Tick

The post effectively highlights a positive and progressive approach to employee compensation, emphasizing the importance of fairness and recognition in the workplace. Its appeal lies in showcasing a real-life example of a company valuing its employees by ensuring pay equity between new hires and existing staff. This approach contrasts with the common practice of underpaying loyal employees compared to external hires, a point of frustration for many professionals. The story’s relevance and the positive outcome resonate with LinkedIn users, who often seek insights into fair and effective management practices. By presenting a model of how companies can reward loyalty and maintain employee satisfaction, the post likely struck a chord with both employees and employers, sparking discussions around equitable pay practices and employee retention strategies. The succinct conclusion, “Don’t punish loyalty, reward it,” encapsulates a powerful message that adds to the post’s impact and shareability.


In reviewing these 11 viral LinkedIn posts, three commonalities emerge that contribute to their widespread popularity and engagement on the platform:

Relatability and Real-Life Relevance: Each post connects with readers by reflecting real-world situations and emotions that many professionals experience. Whether discussing workplace challenges, leadership qualities, work-life balance, or personal growth, the posts offer insights and stories that resonate on a personal level. This relatability encourages users to engage with the content, share their experiences, and feel a sense of connection and community.

Practical and Actionable Insights: Most of the posts go beyond merely describing situations; they offer practical advice, actionable insights, or demonstrate effective solutions to common problems. Whether it’s a list of books for a self-taught MBA, traits of good leadership, or a company’s progressive approach to employee compensation, these posts provide tangible takeaways that readers can apply in their own lives or work environments.

Positive and Empowering Messages: A significant feature of these posts is their positive and often empowering tone. Even when discussing challenging topics like toxic workplaces or the importance of respecting employees’ time off, the posts tend to highlight constructive outcomes or call for positive change. This approach not only attracts readers but also leaves them with a sense of optimism and encouragement, which is a powerful driver for sharing and engaging with content on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

In essence, these viral LinkedIn posts succeed by striking a chord with professional audiences, offering practical wisdom, and fostering a positive, forward-thinking mindset, all of which are key ingredients in crafting engaging social media content.

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