15 Hook Writing Structures to Make You Go Viral

AJ Marketing
AJ Marketing Blog
Published in
8 min readDec 22, 2023

In today’s digital world, where Twitter feeds, LinkedIn articles, TikTok trends, and YouTube videos dominate, standing out as an influencer or content creator is more challenging than ever. This article is your essential guide to mastering the art of attention-grabbing content in this competitive landscape. This article isn’t just about writing; it’s about strategically crafting your words to resonate with audiences and algorithms alike, ensuring that your voice is heard loud and clear across all platforms. These help avoid some of the deadly sins in communicating with your audience.

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We delve deep into the heart of content marketing and explore a variety of innovative hook writing techniques that have propelled countless influencers to viral status. From the psychological triggers that command attention to the structural nuances that make content more shareable, this blog post is packed with insider tips and practical advice. Whether you’re looking to enhance your personal brand or boost your marketing strategy, understanding these 15 hook writing structures can transform your content from unnoticed to unmissable on every social media platform.

Get ready to captivate, engage, and go viral!

15 Hook Writing Structures to Make You Go Viral

1. Revealing a Secret

I’ll let you in on a secret:
You’re [doing something wrong], and it’s [causing adverse consequences].
Here’s [strategies to fix it]:

Why it works:

This hook works because it immediately captures attention with the promise of insider knowledge. By suggesting the reader is unknowingly making a mistake, it creates a sense of urgency and a need to know more. The hook then offers a solution, transforming that urgency into action. It’s effective because it not only identifies a problem but also provides a clear pathway to improvement, making the reader feel empowered and eager to learn more.

2. Top Strategies

X strategies I use to [take action] instead of [not taking action]:

Why it works:

This hook is compelling because it positions the author as an expert who practices what they preach, instantly building credibility. It implies a shift from passivity to action, a transformation that most readers aspire to. By promising specific, tried-and-tested strategies, it assures the reader of its practicality and applicability.

3. Rare Experience

99% of people will never [get to do something rare].
I did and [here’s what happened].
Here’s [what I learned and you can too]:

Why it works:

The power of this hook lies in its exclusivity and the narrative of a unique experience. By stating that only a small percentage will ever achieve something, it piques interest and creates a sense of rarity. The personal story element makes it relatable and engaging, while the promise of shared lessons turns the reader’s envy into empowerment. This hook effectively uses storytelling to create a compelling reason for readers to continue, ensuring they feel part of an exclusive group by the end.

4. The Superpower

[Skill] is a superpower.
Learn it and [desirable outcome].
Use these X [resources] to [achieve outcome] in X [amount of time]:

Why it works:

This hook taps into the universal desire for quick, transformative solutions. By labeling a skill as a “superpower,” it elevates its importance and creates intrigue. The promise of a desirable outcome provides motivation, while the mention of specific resources and a timeframe sets realistic expectations.

5. Don’t Fall Behind

If you’re not [doing something], you’re falling behind.
Here are [solutions] that will [bring about desirable outcome]:

Why it works:

This hook operates on the fear of missing out (FOMO), a powerful motivator in the fast-paced world we live in. By suggesting that inaction leads to falling behind, it creates an immediate sense of urgency. The transition to offering solutions transforms the initial anxiety into a positive action plan. This hook is particularly effective because it not only identifies a common fear but also presents a constructive way to overcome it, making the reader feel proactive and in control.

6. Profitable Skills

The most important skill nobody ever taught you: [skill/concept].
These X powerful [strategies] will [bring about desirable outcome] (use responsibly):

Why it works:

This hook intrigues by suggesting there is vital knowledge missing from traditional learning paths. It appeals to the reader’s desire for self-improvement and exclusive insight. Offering strategies implies practicality and applicability, while the call to “use responsibly” adds an element of intrigue and seriousness, suggesting the advice is not just valuable but potentially powerful.

7. Sentences Better Than Degrees

X sentences that’ll make you more money than a [dollar amount] [skill] course/degree:

Why it works:

This hook instantly grabs attention by associating with a tangible and highly desired outcome: making more money. It challenges the conventional wisdom that a costly education is the only route to financial success. The promise of a shortcut to wealth through just a few sentences is irresistibly clickable, tapping into the reader’s curiosity and desire for financial improvement.

8. Hidden Features

[Platform] has [amount of users].
But 99% of people don’t know how to use it.
Here are X powerful features you didn’t know existed:

Why it works:

This hook works because it creates a sense of exclusivity and insider knowledge. By stating that the majority of users are missing out, it implies the reader is about to join a savvy minority. The mention of “powerful features” promises to unlock potential and offer an edge, which is compelling for anyone looking to improve their use of the platform.

9. Surprising Insights Revealed

Why does [something strange happen]?
Because [data].
And [more surprising insight].
Here’s a breakdown:

Why it works:

This hook captivates by posing an intriguing question that the reader likely hasn’t considered. The promise of data-driven answers and surprising insights indicates a well-researched, authoritative perspective. It promises not just explanations but also a deeper understanding of the topic, appealing to the reader’s curiosity and desire for knowledge.

10. Top Tips for Success

I’ve done 1,000 [things] over the past [period of time].
Here are X tips [I derive from my firsthand experience]:

Why it works:

This hook establishes the author’s extensive experience and expertise, making the forthcoming advice credible and worth reading. It promises practical tips derived from real-world experience, which is far more enticing than theoretical knowledge. Readers are drawn to the idea of learning from someone who has a proven track record, expecting to receive concise, battle-tested advice that they can apply in their own lives.

11. Learn Fast and Profit

[Skill] is the most profitable skill [this year].
But it’s too hard to find resources to master it.
So here are [X strategies] to cut your learning time by 90%

Why it works:

This hook plays on the allure of profitability and the common frustration of inaccessible resources. It offers a tantalizing solution: a quicker path to mastering a lucrative skill. The promise to drastically reduce learning time is particularly compelling, appealing to the reader’s desire for efficiency and success in a fast-paced world.

12. Free Resources

X insanely useful [resources] for [target audience] nobody told you about (you won’t believe they’re free):

Why it works:

The hook generates interest through the promise of exclusivity and value. By suggesting that these resources are a well-kept secret, it piques curiosity. The added disbelief that they are free intensifies the appeal, offering perceived value without cost. It targets the reader’s desire for practical tools while implying they are gaining access to something exclusive and underutilized.

13. Print Money with Skill

Master [skill] and you can print money at will.
Tragically, most people don’t know how (or where) to start.
So here’s [X skill] frameworks to get you started:

Why it works:

This hook captivates by connecting skill mastery to an almost magical ability to generate income. The phrase “print money at will” creates a strong visual and aspirational goal. Acknowledging the common barrier of not knowing how to start introduces empathy and understanding, while the promise of specific frameworks offers a clear, actionable solution.

14. What Not to Follow

Most advice is garbage.
Here’s some advice you shouldn’t listen to on [topic], [topic], and [topic]:

Why it works:

This hook immediately grabs attention by challenging the status quo and common perceptions of advice. It intrigues the reader by implying that they might be misled by commonly accepted wisdom. The promise to reveal misleading advice on specific topics not only piques curiosity but also positions the forthcoming content as a valuable tool for discerning the useful from the useless.

15. Low Cost, High Revenue

My [business] does [X amount] in revenue.
It costs me [surprisingly low amount] to run it.
Here are the [things I use to do it]:

Why it works:

This hook is compelling because it showcases a successful outcome paired with an unexpectedly low investment, creating a narrative of efficiency and smart management. The personal success story establishes credibility and piques interest in the how-to aspect. By promising to reveal the tools and methods used, it offers readers the blueprint to replicate that success, making it irresistibly actionable and relevant.

Common Themes

Promise of Exclusive or Insider Knowledge

Many of the hooks work because they promise the reader or viewer access to information that’s perceived as rare, exclusive, or otherwise inaccessible. Hooks like “The most important skill nobody ever taught you” or “X insanely useful resources for [target audience] nobody told you about” tap into the audience’s desire to gain an edge or access knowledge that others might not have. This not only piques curiosity but also makes the content feel personalized and valuable.

Empowerment through Practical Solutions

A recurring theme in these hooks is the offer of practical, actionable advice or solutions. Whether it’s cutting learning time, mastering a skill to ‘print money,’ or avoiding common pitfalls, these hooks work because they promise the reader a tangible outcome or improvement. By providing clear steps, strategies, or insights, the hooks empower the audience to envision and achieve a desirable change or goal, making the content immediately relevant and compelling.

Creating Urgency and Challenging the Status Quo

Many hooks create a sense of urgency or challenge preconceived notions. Phrases like “Most advice is garbage” or “99% of people don’t know how to use it” provoke a reaction and make the audience question their current knowledge or position. This not only grabs attention but also motivates the reader to continue with the content to avoid being left behind or to rethink their approach. Challenging the status quo is a powerful way to engage and retain the audience’s interest.

In conclusion, these hooks work across various formats — written, video, or audio — because they tap into universal desires for exclusive knowledge, practical solutions, and the urgency to improve or challenge existing perceptions. They are crafted to engage the audience’s curiosity, ambition, and need for immediate value, making them effective tools for capturing and maintaining attention in a crowded content landscape.

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