What is the importance of the Guna in Kundali matching? Explain 3 in detail.

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3 min readFeb 26, 2019
Importance of guna in Kundali Matching

Kundali matching is one of the most important aspects of Indian astrology where the horoscopes of both the boy and the girl are checked against each other to note the compatibility. How is this compatibility determined?

For this, vedic astrology has devised certain systems formulated by the great vedic astrologers of ancient India who were rishis, and authors of the sacred texts which are used as a reference for these calculations. In fact, this system even today has successfully stood the test of time, by telling most accurately whether two horoscopes make a good match for marriage.

One of the most commonly used system is called Ashtakoot guna milan and this consists of 8 kootas or clusters, against which a scoring is given for the two horoscopes. Through this scoring system, we come to know how many points out of a total of 36, the match has generated. A higher score means high marriage compatibility and lower score means lower compatibility. However, a minimum of 18 points are required. Any score below 18 indicates that this couple are not going to be happy with each other at all.

Let us take a look at 3 of the 8 clusters or kootas against which the compatibility is checked.

Graha Maitri Koota : This cluster or koota represents the friendship and mental compatibility between the couple. Can they become good friends easily and would they have similar views and thought-process? One can imagine that if a couple has high score here, there will be very few quarrels and conflcts. Both would think the same or have similar outlook on life.

Graha stands for planets and planets can also be enemies or friends of each other. They can also be neutral to each other. If in this calculation, the planet of the girl, is friendly with the planet of the boy, the graha maitri guna would be high, if the planet is neutral, then the score is average. If the planet is enemic to that of the boy, the graha maitri guna will be low.

If the planetary lord of Moon signs or rashis of the couple is Jupiter, Graha Maitri is given 5 out of 5 points or Gunas.

Bhakoot Koota : This is the seventh test in the Ashtakoot guna milan and this tests the health and financial aspects of both partners. This is important because if one partner has severe health or financial isssues, the quality of the entire marriage suffers.

If the lords of the rashis of both the boy and girl are same, then the bhakoot points are given in full — 7 points and there is no dosha. If the lords of their rashis are enemic, then they are given low points and if the lords are neutral to each other, then the rating also is average.

Varna koota : This test determines the overall character compatibility of the couple. In hindu culture there are 4 varnas such as Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaishya and Shudra in order of importance. Based on the nakshatras, the astrologers can determine what varna the horoscope falls into. The couples whose varnas are of the same type score high, those whose varnas are not of the same type score low. As a rule, the boy’s varna should not be lower than the girl.

Do all these calculations still have relevance today?

Man and his nature remain unchanged even though science and modern technology bring so many changes and luxuries in society. The basic human nature and priciples will remain forever the same. This is how astrology also stays relevant in modern times.

Having a low score on any of these points does not indicate a bad match. If many other auspicious yogas are present, then horoscopes can still be match inspite of above low scores or doshas.

Vedic astrology is a complete science and should be studied in whole, by an expert astrologer for best results in kundali matching for marriage.

