How to add students into your classroom

Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2020

Once you have a classroom ready, your next big step is to add students into your classroom. With Akiraku, a classroom created at scrudu persists at hub and vice versa. Just incase you aren’t aware as to how to create a classroom, we recommend the following article to you “How to create a classroom on Akiraku”. We would like to reiterate that your students will not be able to create account for themselves. Instead the onus is upon you. Having said that stay rest assured that its absolutely easy to create student accounts and add them to your classroom.

So lets go the classroom where we want to add students and click “manage classroom” on top right as shown below

You are then presented with the screen below and that this point we click “+ Add student”

This offers us a popup box where we would create/ add student accounts.

The pop-up box as we see has 3 tabs viz. a) Add new users b) Add existing users c) Add from existing class. For the purpose of this article we will stick to option a). The others would be covered in subsequent articles .

To add new users we fill up the form with the following fields

a) Username (can only have alphabets and numbers and the characters . and _. It should start with alphabets only and should be betwen 6–30 characters long )

b) First name

c) Last name

d) Password. This field is optional. If you dont provide the system will generate a password for you.

Once done press + . This step will check if the details are valid and if yes it will add to a list. An example of the same can be seen below

We understand that filling up the form can be taxing if you have many students, hence our recommended way is to add the same information in a .csv file and use the bulk upload feature in the same tab

You can find a sample of the csv file here which you can edit to your liking. We suggest you use MS excel or Numbers(Mac) to open the file.

Lets see it in action

Hope the article helped. If you still have doubts feel free to reach out at We will be eager to help you

