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welcome to my internet
Note from the editor

welcome to my internet

Go to the profile of Alana Hope Levinson
Alana Hope Levinson
writer/editor of things on the internet.
Go to the profile of Erich Carter Nagler
Erich Carter Nagler
Writer, singer, cyclist
Go to the profile of Alan Hanson
Alan Hanson
Writer | California Son | alan-hanson.com
Go to the profile of Joe Veix
Joe Veix
a writer based in oakland
Go to the profile of Shane Ferro
Shane Ferro
Freelance writer and law student, not necessarily in that order. Previously Huffington Post, Business Insider, and Reuters, and Artinfo.
Go to the profile of Lauren Modery
Lauren Modery
Freelance writer; film Loves Her Gun premiered @ SXSW ‘13; used to be a Hollywood assistant; rail enthusiast; check out my dumb blog, hipstercrite.com
Go to the profile of Fern Diaz
Fern Diaz
Started softFocus, a theater incubator for the digital age. Head of marketing at @hugeinc.
Go to the profile of Rembert Browne
Rembert Browne
Atlanta. Paideia. Dartmouth. Grantland. Waffle House.
Go to the profile of Alana Massey
Alana Massey
I’m sorry I wrote my feelings all over your internet.
Go to the profile of Casey Johnston
Casey Johnston
Studied Physics, Supposedly.
Go to the profile of Tyler Hedrick
Tyler Hedrick
iOS Software Engineer at Airbnb. Previously at Medium, Facebook. Music | Coffee | Code
Go to the profile of Jodi Walker
Jodi Walker
Freelance writer, full-time TV watcher
Go to the profile of Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Contributing writer for GQ and the New York Times Magazine. Making fun of my name demeans us both
Go to the profile of Marian Bull
Marian Bull
this particularly rapid unintelligible patter isn't generally heard and if it is it doesn't matter
Go to the profile of Emily Benjamin
Emily Benjamin
Aussie, traveller, class clown, photographer, meat eater, dog lover, with a memory for random stuff. Arrested Development addict: my chicken doesn’t clap.
Go to the profile of Ruben Alexander
Ruben Alexander
Freelance Writer / Visual Designer / Quite the Clever Minecraft Miner
Go to the profile of Justin Williamson
Justin Williamson
I write Kickstarter reviews. Coffee slurper. Sports maven. Avid podcast listener.
Go to the profile of Hanif Abdurraqib
Hanif Abdurraqib
Poet. Writer. | Ohioan.
Go to the profile of Alex Vadukul
Alex Vadukul
Writing about city for @nytimes. US Editor of @portmagazine / @avauntmagazine. Food columnist @openingceremony. Born in Milan. New Yorker 17 years and counting.
Go to the profile of Kendra Vaculin
Kendra Vaculin
the moon will join your coalition.
Go to the profile of Lindsey
Go to the profile of Nick Douglas
Nick Douglas
Diehard tryhard
Go to the profile of jintran
socioecon development MSW from @BrownSchool @WUSTL turned project manager of #pleyworld in startup @mypley
Go to the profile of Dan Pupius
Dan Pupius
Englishman in California. Father, engineer, photographer. Recovering adrenaline junky. Founder @ www.range.co. Previously: Medium, Google.
Go to the profile of pancy
I’m interested in Web3 and machine learning, and helping ambitious people. I like programming in Ocaml and Rust. I angel invest sometimes.
Go to the profile of Monica Deck
Monica Deck
A chronically ill creature having a narrative experience | Currently in R&D mode for NaNoWriMo 2024
Go to the profile of Noah Rabinowitz
Go to the profile of John Ersing
John Ersing
Copywriter, journalist, essayist, whateverist