ALAX Is Ready for Impact

Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2018

Dear ALAX supporters!

The three months have flown by since our successful TGE. Here’s what you need to know about ALAX. We are running at full speed in every aspect of the project — from business development (Bellotec and Egretia being our newest partners), to designing and building the app itself. So, take a seat, make yourself comfortable, and get ready for some juicy updates ;-)

As the title of this article indicates, we’ve readied ourselves for some real impact and came up with a brand new design concept. ALAX is shifting from the ordinary blue to funky and bold purple & orange. We had a feeling that these new colors will better reflect the impact and dynamic nature of our project.

Besides the colors, we also paid special attention to the UX (User Experience). Implementing blockchain technology into an app store can be quite challenging — especially when we don’t want to disrupt the traditional user interface model, which needs to be enriched with tokens and credits. But have no worries! Our UX design makes navigating through the application a piece of cake, providing users with familiar interaction and extraordinary experience.

A picture paints a thousand words, so without further ado, let us give you a little sneak peek into the new look of the app and the game developer web interface:

We hope you like what you see!

Furthermore, ALAX’s official website, which is also being re-designed to sync with the recently developed app design, should be ready within just a few weeks. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, our team is staying the course to reach the next milestone, a breaking point that will bring our project to life — ALAX Mainnet store beta launch! The event is scheduled for this September and if you’re not sure what to expect, watch our video to get the basic idea.

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ALAX intends to bring fresh air to the Gaming Industry worldwide. The purpose is to develop & support Mobile Games Distribution Platform in emerging markets.