ultimate F.A.Q

Clément Fermaud
Published in
6 min readFeb 5, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions about, for stakers, node operators and liquidity providers in one place.


1. Where can I stake my $ALEPH?

2. What is the minimum number to stake and receive rewards?

10,000.00 $ALEPH

3. Why is there a minimum required to stake?

Because of gas fee issues. If we allowed smaller stakers we will have way more distribution targets and it will cost a lot to the project. And even if we went to a claim system with merkle tree root claims it would cost a lot to claim every epochs that are a few days apart, it wouldn’t make sense for small stakers.

4. Is there a staking tutorial?

5. What are the staking tokenomics for stakers?

6. How can I monitor how many rewards I received so far?

You can look at your etherscan history. You can also use portfolio monitoring apps such as Rotki.

7. Is it possible to stake with less than 10,000.00?

At the moment you can’t stake with less than 10,000.00 $ALEPH, but some companies provide staking like Meria (centralized).

8. How many ALEPH will I get for staking?

Check out the calculator in the top section of the web app:

9. Are my funds safe when I stake?

Staking on aleph is completely non-custodial. Your tokens never leave your wallet, and there is no vesting or lock up period.

10. How much does it cost to stake?

While staking is only possible on Ethereum, staking is GASLESS, meaning it’s free, you simply sign a message (not a transaction).

11. Can I stake on another blockchain than Etherum?

It is currently not possible. We will inform the community when this functionality will be available.

12. How long does it take to stake?

Almost instantaneous.

13. If I staked then deposited more in an address do I need to restake?

No, it’s automatically added to your stake.

14. Is there a required lock up period to stake?

No, there is no lock up required.

15. Can I unstake when I want?

Yes, you can unstake and restake whenever you like. You can even withdraw or send your tokens without unstaking (but you’ll lose your staking rewards).

16. When are the staking rewards paid?

Up to 10 days, depending on the gas cost.

17. What wallets do you recommend for staking?

We recommend Rabby, Metamask, Coinbase wallet, MeW.

18. Can I use TrustWallet?

Yes, by connecting via Wallet Connect

19. What if I want to stake in multiple nodes?

You can stake on the node of your choice, then choose any other node and stake your ALEPH on it. The total amount of your tokens will be split among all the nodes you have staked on.

20. Which node is it recommended to stake on?

The more nodes that are active, the more ALEPH stakers receive, but also the more secure the network is. It’s up to you to chose a node and verify that it’s always active.

21. Is there currently a cap on node staking for a single node?

No. There is currently no cap on the maximum amount staked on a node. However, the more nodes that are active, the more ALEPH stakers receive, but also the more secure the network is. So it would be best to maximize the number of active nodes.

22. Does a node with more staked tokens reward its stakers less?

No. For stakers, the total amount staked in a node doesn’t change their reward. However, the more nodes that are active, the more ALEPH stakers receive, but also the more secure the network is. So it would be best to maximize the number of active nodes.

23. Does a node with more staked tokens receive more reward?

No. The node owner does not earn more tokens if there are more tokens staked on his/her node.

24. Can I stake with the NULS or NEO variant of the ALEPH token?

No. You must swap either of these at to the ERC-20 variant and stake the ERC-20 variant of the token.

25. Can I swap my soALEPH to ALEPH V2 token?

If you still have soALEPH you can’t swap them for ALEPH token anymore since April 2022. You can find further informations here.

26. What is Twentysix Cloud?

Twentysix Cloud is a cross-chain cloud solution powered by the decentralized network, which offers developers access to databases, computing power, and file storage. It ensures operational resilience for applications, particularly in AI, DeFi, and gaming industries. Since 2020, its marketplace Instances and Micro-Virtual Machines have provided scalable, high-performance resources across various blockchains.


27. Where can I buy ALEPH to get to the 10,000 required to stake?

ALEPH token (ALEPH v2) are available on:

28. I do not have the minimum tokens for staking and do not want to buy more, what can I do?

You can become a liquidity provider on a decentralized exchange, like Uniswap, TraderJoe or Pancakeswap.

29. What is Pay-As-You-Go?

Pay-As-You-Go, or PAYG, offers a new way to pay for the resources you use on the network, eliminating the need to hold or stake $ALEPH.

30. Do I have to pay for storage or computing on Ethereum?

No. PAYG is only available on Avalanche c-chain at the moment. You can find more informations here.

31. Where can I find ALEPH contracts on different blockchains?

  • Ethereum: 0x27702a26126e0b3702af63ee09ac4d1a084ef628
  • BNB Chain: 0x82d2f8e02afb160dd5a480a617692e62de9038c4
  • Avalanche: 0xc0Fbc4967259786C743361a5885ef49380473dCF
  • Solana: 3UCMiSnkcnkPE1pgQ5ggPCBv6dXgVUy16TmMUe1WpG9x


32. What is the minimum required hardware to run a Core Channel Node?

  • 32 GB ram minimum; 64 GB ram recommended
  • Recent CPU with at least 4 cores
  • 100 MB upload bandwidth minimum (ideally 1 GB)
  • 4+ TB HDD or SSD (ideally with at least the system on an SSD)

33. Is there a tutorial to setup/register a node and become a node operator?

Yes, please visit:

34. Is there a more detailed technical presentation for node operators?

Yes. You can visit our official documentation:

35. What are the staking tokenomics for node operators?

Please visit:

36. Does a node with more staked tokens get more rewards?

No. Once a node reaches 500K staked on it, it starts receiving rewards. For instance, having 1M tokens staked on it does not give it more rewards.

37. Can I use the same address for both node operator and staker?

No. You must act as staker and node operator from the different addresses.

38. In case of downtime, what happens to the node rewards?

The reward will slowly go down, you have an uptime score that goes from 0 to 100, the longer you are offline the lower you get. We might introduce a system where the node gets dismantled if the score stays at 0 for too long

39. I have setup a node and I am still waiting for more tokens to be staked on it how can I get more stakers?

We encourage you to engage with the community through our telegram chat to get more stakers on your node.

40. Things to consider before migrating to a new server/provider, if it becomes necessary for the operator?

You need to set up the new node, wait for it to be synced correctly, and then change your multiaddress to the new host. You can then discard the old server.

