All About Books: Week 18

Featured submissions and more

Rose Garg
All About Books


I want to first thank all of you for following ‘All About Books’, and submitting stories. I read all of them, and that is why it sometimes takes me longer to add them to the collection. I appreciate the time and effort it takes to develop content, and hence I have decided to make a post each week and highlight my favourite reads. It is my way of doing my duty towards ‘All About Books’ and showing my appreciation, and I hope it will encourage more participation from all.

My 1st pick is ‘Why you should write’ by Drew Hoolhorst.

Since I do a little writing myself I know that I write and just ‘because,’ and yes I do have many moments when I forget that. I loved the story about how Drew’s grandfather would write because he enjoyed it so much. There was so much heart in it. As writers we let ourselves forget why we write and instead focus on the what if’s. ‘But they will read it’ — Amen to that!

My 2nd pick is Srinivas Rao’s How Writing 1000 words a Day Changed My Life’.

The line that hit me was ‘But when I powered through the garbage(sometimes the first 200 words), I ended up with gold.

It is an extraordinary challenge to develop the discipline to write everyday, but it is not impossible once you begin. I learned much from this article as I am sure will others, and thank you for submitting it!

My 3rd pick is Gabrielle’s Dear Reader’. I loved it! It gave me goosebumps. It was direct, deep, well written and edgy. Do write more!

That should be all for now. Have a great week!


