Camilla Ceschi

Interstellar Raccoons
All About Interstellar Raccoons
2 min readOct 21, 2015

Camilla trained as Product Designer at Politecnico of Milan, and she’s now following her studies in Design Innovation.

She’s always found herself asking how the design would have actually been able to improve our social system.
Camilla’s always been interested to study and deeply understand which are the phenomena forming our society and to learn how to design products and services that will help to improve human life. Mainly in the last years she understood that successful product designs and services are essentially an outcome from companies’ well-structured strategies, and the development of strong abilities towards concrete future visions.
Camilla had the chance to attend many experiences on this field, particularly the two workshops leaded by Marco Lampugnani and Yulya Besplemmenova Ceramic Futures for Cersaie Ceramiche and GoodLife Lab for Sanofi Italia.

Together again with Marco and Yulya, she finally faced #nevicata14 project, where she really had the chance to find what really means designing a public space for citizens, with its service system based both on a physical and digital layer.

This is what she tries to reach through design, a collaboration between different actors, the instauration of a new language to communicate and to improve our society system.
Camilla is also very interested in theatre where she tries to apply this same concept of always creating a new communication. Sometimes she’s able to join these two beloved fields, theatre and design, creating new graphics and helping in design the stage.

