Hello, terrestrials! (beta ;))

Interstellar Raccoons
All About Interstellar Raccoons
2 min readOct 18, 2015

We are a micro-collective with interstellar goals. We work designing public realm processes, services and spaces, especially when it concerns engagement and creation of communities and participatory work of various kinds, mostly on the intersection of physical and digital aspects of modern cities. Besides that we have entrepreneurial experience of working on start-ups, and strong interest in technological aspects of our built environment. We are actively engaged in educational activities, in particular recently we experiment creating “learning environments” with new hybrid courses of online/offline format. Learn more..




is a temporary pedestrian configuration of Piazza Castello in Milan





Learning Environments

We work shaping not teaching formats but what we call “learning environments”.




Our thoughts about design






Space weekends

collection of our research about space




