Camilla Marini

Interstellar Raccoons
All About Interstellar Raccoons
4 min readOct 26, 2015

I attended my first year of university at Bocconi University studying Economics and Management for cultural institutions.
Then passion led me to start a career at Politecnico di Milano, not losing my interest in the previous subject.

Actually I’m very concentrated in shaping my own way to become an architect
Everything contributes: starting from small daily life details to interdisciplinary approach.

In bachelor thesis I framed architect’s role in society and their peculiar relationship with contemporary social and economical context. The research was lead by mainly interviewing prominent italian architects and young designers.

This make me conscious that to be an architect nowadays is a hard challenge but for sure even a great opportunity to think out of the box and for networking, good even to learn from passionated people.

I’m very interested in illustrations (in particular children’s ones) as first visual language we learn (inspired by Bruno Munari and Leo Lionni).
Drawing can be a good way to feel more empathy with the world around us and not to forget to always change our point of view in daily life. According to that I usually sketch with my finger on the phone screen: people on public transport means can be perfect subjects.

My motivation and curiosity have been constantly growing thanks to different experiences I made and people I met. It usually happened when I was looking for someone/something else.

Those are briefly:


Important occasion to work on public space without using architectural tools and to collaborate with people of different educational context.
It’s been very interesting to come in contact with experiences around the world and to understand how living the city.


Milan International Workshop, promoted by Politecnico di Milano. The architect Carlos Asensio Wandosell was my professor for two weeks, in Milan. The project was about the redesign of a dismissed cinema. Getting inspirations by architecture, music, medicine… It started working as a big camera obscura.

It’s been a very inspiring context and the first occasion I had to meet a different way of thinking architecture and a open teaching approach at university.

Ceramic Futures 3, Politecnico di Milano

A workshop held by Marco Lampugnani and Yulya Besplemennova, motivated and passionate teachers, designers and observers of the world. They are able to make an experience from a project.

I designed “Snapfutures” a machine to receive message from the future.
The photographic technique to simulate the machine process involving light and ceramic was cyanotype. I’ve been so lucky having a great teacher for it: the photographer Mariano Dallago. He is the right person to make you understand that you have always to try and try, because especially mistakes will be amazing records.

Erasmus in Antwerp 2015–2016

It’s a “work in progress experience” at the Universiteit of Antwerp but it’s really exciting and useful for what I’m dreaming about my future. I’m absolutely determined to live this experience as a disruptive one.

Internship at Cini Boeri Architetti Studio

Cini Boeri as a famous architect and designer and inspiring person, taught me how motivation, curiosity and a different way of thinking and observing can make you a good designer and lead you very far in a changing world.


Skype: camilla.marini3

