Marco Pioventini

Interstellar Raccoons
All About Interstellar Raccoons
3 min readNov 10, 2015

Marco graduated in 2015 in Interior Architecture at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis about imaginary and architecture. With the purpose of exploring the ways architecture can be a medium to communicate imaginaries, with Martina Pini, and supported by Pierluigi Salvadeo and Marco Lampugnani as supervisors, chose the ruin of Brighton West Pier as subject of their studies.

The result was an atlas collecting many projects that show different ways to interpret the imaginary born around an architecture that, due to the lost of its form and function, became able to give rise to extraordinary sceneries between dream and reality.

What attract him the most about architecture, seen as a fluid and unstable discipline shifting between many fields of knowledge, is the ability to generate situations, unexpected moments, where the people can live.

Aware of the fact we can change our reality starting from the infinitely small, he is convinced that we can reform our cities, our houses, our lives, through micro and specific actions and through objects that have the power to narrate stories and to reveal hidden meanings.

The choice of using the collage as a way to communicate the projects he’s working on is due to the ability of this technique in representing not the reality but the atmosphere that born by the combination, sometimes unexpected, of colours, shapes, texture and objects that can give sense and meaning to the space.

The process of collecting existing images and combining them together in a collage, reminds him what happens while we are dreaming, when in our mind pieces of reality and memories are fragmented and reassembled in a way that overlooks common sense and rational logic.

“Architecture would not be a process of composition but of alchemy, rubbing atmospheres and things together to see what sparks they produce.”

In the last years Marco tried many ways to investigate the role of the architect collaborating with architect Davide Fabio Colaci and other studios in Milan and Verona, and he started writing articles about architecture for the communication agency Uncò.

In 2014 begins a collaboration with the studio Guidarini&Salvadeo and Interstellar Raccoons with whom he approached new important topics dealing with communication, storytelling and new ways to design and live public spaces.

Recently he started a new adventure in the world of styling and creative consultancy.

