Martina Pini

Interstellar Raccoons
All About Interstellar Raccoons
3 min readNov 11, 2015

Martina graduated in July in Interior Architecture at Politecnico di Milano and she is now exploring different fields of architecture and design, looking for inspiring approaches and methods.

She’s deeply interested in history and theory of architecture and during academic years she tried to develop her own idea about what architecture is and which is its role in contemporary society. An important step of this research was her dissertation work about Brighton’s West Pier. With this project she investigated the role of architecture as a catalyst of imaginaries and developed a sort of curatorial process in which architecture is not only made of walls and represented by plans, but it is also made up of stories, atmospheres, experience, images and objects.

She explored the power of images in architecture which represent a first way to express the intangible dimensions of the space and are able to communicate atmospheres and unexpected relations between components of reality. Images have great evocative power and can bring spectator both in past and future, suggesting different stories and meanings.

Last year she collaborated with the architectural practice Guidarini&Salvadeo and the collective Interstellar Raccoons on the design and management of #nevicata14. In this occasion she experienced some very interesting design methods, like storytelling and participative design, becoming familiar also with social media communication and event management.

She is also deeply interested in historic buildings and conservation practice and she would like to find a way to combine this interest with

«When we concentrate on a material object, whatever its situation, the very act of attention may lead to our involuntarily sinking into the history of that object. (…) Transparent things, through which the past shines!»

She is now working with Arch. Mariangela Carlessi on a book publication about a Franciscan Church in Alzano Lombardo.

