Why Do Pieces About Medium Attract More Eyeballs Than Fiction and Poetry?

Neither is promoted by Medium, and the latter is boosted once every deep purple Moon

Nikolaos Skordilis
All About M
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2024


Screenshot of Medium’s self-promo page with seven eyeballs embedded on the right looking at Medium’s PR blurb.
Eyeballs by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay. Multiplied, added eye drops, resized, embedded, rubbed (gently after washing hands) and rotated by author via Gimp.

If you see only the prologue click here to access the entire story.

Unlike a good 2022 and a better 2023 this year sucks donkey balls for me. Although I’m quite certain I upped my game, after the 1+ million words I’ve shared here, Medium’s algo keeps shunning me.

Why don’t you like me Medium’s algo? Did I bully you at school and forgot? Did I piss in your breakfast? Did I try hacking you while sleep walking? Or am I not cool enough like your San Franciscan fellow tech bros?

Since my short stories attract fewer eyeballs than the Invisible Man in full monty, my mental health pieces are not as fancy as they used to be, and my comparative religion & culture pieces sit in my drafts due to requiring lots of research, what should I write?

Well, yet another meta-Medium piece. Which though declared as non promoted by Medium itself they do comparatively better.

Why? Despite being effectively black-listed algorithmically, many of us like writing them and/or reading them. Setting up…



Nikolaos Skordilis
All About M

Curious creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and images.