Why Are You Not Helping Stop The War ?

WARNING: Extremely graphic content

Rahul Abhishek
Answers to Life
5 min readMay 10, 2017


War About Wars

The war happens on the table where leaders of the nation sit.

Well no, by definition of war, no. It’s not war but in the parliaments, behind the closed doors, the war about war happens.

Look carefully, you’ll notice something

The leaders do have a difficult job in maintaining peace.

They make pact. They make policies. They make contracts, money and more.

Meanwhile making friends and enemies as well.

Now or then, one or two nations breaks the pact by choice or due to internal crisis.

It’s hard to maintain peace among two people sometimes, how can more 200 minds be at peace, each having millions of minds within.

Who chooses the leaders? If you belong to a democratic country, then I want to remind you that you did. If you don’t belong to a democratic country, then change your country. Go and live in a democratic country and vote and then come back here.

You’ll know it doesn’t always make a difference.

Syria was a democratic country, today it is barely a country. Divided from inside and outside.

War in Syria


We get frustrated for long red lights, delayed flights, late home deliveries, slow internet and so many other things.

Not saying it’s okay to have those problems, but when lots of people are getting affected by something, it’s something we need to talk bout.

Everyone has their own fights that we don’t know nothing about.

War is a cancer to any country. It’s eats it alive from inside and leaves behind blood baths and ghost cities.

There are angels like the White Helmets, who are helping the people in need.

Again, no where I’m even close to implying that your problems are small in anyway but these issues needs to be talked about.

You know who you are? A human.

You know who they are? Humans.

It’s sad that people who are making the lives of Syrians a living hell are no one else but humans as well, but only biologically, I think.


Humanity is out of their dictionary.


Remember all the times whenever a tragic terrorist attack or natural disaster takes place and the whole world mourns? You see people talking about it, hashtags being trended, profile picture’s being changed in tribute and many charities helping in donation being sent to the effected areas.

But when a bomb gets exploded in Iraq, you don’t see the World talking about it except for the journalists or politicians who get an opportunity to thrash their opposing parties.

The world doesn’t steps forward or even talk about it when there is a bombing in Afghanistan, or in Somalia or in South Sudan or in SYRIA for that case.

Why? It’s because everyone tends to think, no big deal sadly. They tend to think, it sure is sad but that’s what happens in these countries at daily basis.

The world can debate more on Kim Kardashian than on the dreadful situations in countries like Syria.

Googled the definition for hell and this is what I got, “Hell: a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.”

Before and After

I’m not sure if there’s a place like that beneath the Earth, but it sure is on the Earth itself.

Syria’s situation seems no different than what a hell is. There is hell on the Earth and it’s right there in Syria, and Syria is just one of such places.

Internet is enormously big and powerful, full of memes and Cat videos.

Yet again, not implying that that’s wrong but if people can share and talk about funny videos, why not also take a small step towards helping the people in need.

How can you help?

Talking is 10X easier than doing, yes, I agree. So what.

Just sharing or talking about the situations in Syria may be a infinitesimally small step towards helping them, but not in value.

Talk about it people.

Awareness is not exactly what we need here, since everyone knows about it, but awareness about the fact that, still not enough people or nations are doing something to help them.

In the world where you can be anything, be kind.


There are 13.5 million people inside Syria who need humanitarian aid.


Here are two links where you can help the victims of war in Syria. Peace.

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