Waking up in the cold and feeling content


Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast
2 min readMar 26, 2016


160326 All-Day Breakfast—Waking up in the cold and feeling content—#163

Our house now has running water 😀 but still no heat ☹️. We have a few space heaters going, and the woodstove cranked, but the house is still chilly. It’s a cool, spring morning, with frost on the ground, but the sun is out and the birds won’t stop talking about it. I even heard some geese honking their return from down south. It’s a beautiful day. And I feel really grateful for this place, my family, and the opportunity to express myself freely.

Just to be clear, “feeling content.” Not “feeling content.” There’s a huge difference.


The latter (content) is about trillions of bits of information available in digital format:

Breakfast Lasagna!
  • a post
  • a listicle
  • a manifesto
  • an animated GIF about how to make breakfast lasagna
  • an info-graphic
  • an embedded link
  • a political tweet
  • another selfie-conscious insta

Content is never satisfied. There can always be more if it. It can always be working harder. It can always be more relevant. More actionable. More on brand. Content is stressful and unmanageable in large doses (unless you are a data-crunching supercomputer).


The former (content) is about being comfortable with yourself, about being satisfied. And that is enough.


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TTWords I’d like to send
Are “Please recommend.”
If everyone does it, you might set a trend!



Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast

is an Executive Design Leader, Speaker, Writer, Consultant who is trying to comprehend his surroundings. Find more at JasonTheodor.com