If you are toast


Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast
2 min readMar 25, 2016


160325 All-Day Breakfast—If you are toast—#162

If you are toast is that really so bad?

If you are bread is that really so good?

Dude, you are totally toast!

Where does the expression, “You’re toast,” come from? You’re not going to believe this. According to Grammarphobia, the earliest known usage is from an obscure 1984 film called Ghostbusters. According to the script, Dr. Peter Venkman (played by actor Bill Murray) is supposed to say, “I’m gonna turn this guy into toast,” but Murray had other plans. Instead he ad libs, “All right, this chick is toast!” While he may not have originated the phrase, he certainly popularized it.

“All right, this chick is toast!”

So toast can mean devistated, destroyed, and dead. It’s also NY slang for gun, in case you don’t listen to 50 Cent.

Dude, you are totally carbonized bread!

On the other hand, bread means cash. But it can also be used as pseudonym for borning middle-class.

The term implies profound cultural naïvete, blind consumerism, and an unquestioning “follower” mindset. Common trappings of the whitebread lifestyle include golf, Kenny G and Enya CDs, SUVs, an irrational fixation on lawn care, Golden Retrievers, nominally Christian religious beliefs, Old Navy clothing, moderate to conservative political views, bad Chardonnay, equally bad espresso, cookie-cutter houses, Bath & Body Works hygiene products, and very white-collar employment. —Urban Dictionary

Dude, you are so totally white bread!

So is it better to be dead, or boring? Think about this every time you look at a toaster.

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Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast

is an Executive Design Leader, Speaker, Writer, Consultant who is trying to comprehend his surroundings. Find more at JasonTheodor.com