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Accounting Solutions

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Sage MAS Community

Visit the new MAS community site which is being launched.

It will feature product specific forums; blogs; discussion board; tips and tricks; etc.

Also, my colleagues and I will use the community site to blog all things that matters MAS. Here is…

Peachtree 2009

Earlier we released Peachtree 2009. This release has some great features — including improvement in the Payroll, Cash Management and Reporting space.

Also, check out Quantum, which include smart posting effort and others enhancements boosting tremendous performance and…

MAS 90 4.3 now available too

Now MAS 90 organization delivers next release of MAS 90/200 to manufacturing earlier this week. This release…

MAS 500 7.2 now available

Earlier this week MAS 500 7.2 was released to manufacturing and should be getting generally available to the…

Insights 2008

I will be at Insights 2008 next week. I look forward to meeting several MAS business partners and our Sage fellow colleagues. Time flies. This will be my second Insights conference and I am looking forward to meeting friends, having dialogue, and sharing lot of exciting things happening in our organization.

See you soon!

Sage MAS 500 Receives 5-Star Rating

Earlier this month Sage MAS 500 grabbed another 5-Star Rating in this year’s review of High-End Accounting Systems by The CPA Technology Advisor. The product received nearly perfect marks in all 6 review categories — Module/Scalability; Usability/User Experience &…

Peachtree 2008

Earlier this week we announced the availability of Peachtree 2008 release. This is a new addition to my responsibility at Sage Software beside MAS products. Peachtree product development team in Atlanta is amazing and true to the tradition just released another great, simple to use product. You can…

Mass customization

Joseph Pine was a keynote speaker during Insights. He eloquently described how various companies are tapping into Customer Experience as a way to differentiate and grow the businesses. He calls this “Experience economy” — an evolution as manufacturing and services are increasingly getting…