
Alpha Labs
Alpha Labs
Published in
4 min readJan 5, 2023

We announced Alpha Labs last month through our blog post and Twitter. The goal of which would be to rapidly incubate ideas leveraging our expertise.

Today, we are excited to share our first project: Blockalizer!

simplified flow of block transaction to generated art

We wanted to explore an innovative way to turn non-sexy blockchain data into a curated stylized and enticing collectible. Additionally, we thought it would be exciting to be able to mint the moments that actually mean something to you. Your first transaction! Minting your first Cool Cat! Your first NFT flip! Or anything in between!

4 grid size variations, colored in “alpine” color way

The algorithm behind Blockalizer works as follows: users select the block that’d like to Blockalize. We fetch the block hash (which is a hexadecimal string) and convert that string into its 256-bit binary representation. Next, we take the first X number of digits of the binary, where X depends on the size of the grid. This gives an array of 1s and 0s which is then used to inform the shape of the triangles. A cool feature here is that just by looking at the art, you can infer which block hash it represents.

detailed flow of block transaction to generated art

The art itself is generated using p5.js library, and curated through Blockalzier. It uses perlin noise functionality to invert triangles to create a cohesive geometric effect. The color palette uses various shades of opacities which are randomly assigned to the triangles. The anti-block feature incorporates a modified version of the noise algorithm to selectively remove blocks.

Mechanics of Blockalzier

Our aim with Blockalizer is to create a beautiful collection filled with a variety of stylized NFTs that consist entirely of blocks that mean “something” to everyone in the entire Web3 space, a mosaic of mementos if you will.

Upon analyzing the nature of the blockchain and web3 space broadly, we figured it made sense to deploy 2 collections tied to the Blockalizer tool. One that is limited, and one that is unlimited.

These two products are Blockalizer Chroma and Blockalizer Infinitum.

blockalizer: chroma — our premium collection launching first

Chroma features 2 colorways each month. The colors from the month before will discontinue, and the following month will introduce 2 new colors. This allows for a beautiful spectrum of colors that expands over time. Chroma will introduce 2 new colors for 12 months, resulting in the potential total collection size of 12,000. In addition to the color variations, users will also be able to customize their blocks to their liking through a variety of inputs such as grid size, anti-block, and fill.

Chroma holders will be able to cast their vote on proposals (via Snapshot) put forward by team Blockalizer to weigh in on things such as next color waves, feature additions, and also have premium access to future drops and tools we build at Alpha Labs over the year.

Chroma is a capped collection, offering 1,000 total NFTs per month, whereas Infinitum is an uncapped collection that will go on and on for as long as the blockchain does!

The mint price for a Chroma NFT is .015 ETH, and all ETH raised will be used to continue developments and enhancements of Blockalizer, and future projects at Alpha Labs.

blockalizer: infinitum — our more accessible and beginner friendly collection, launching after chroma

Infinitum will be a perpetually growing collection, with minting always open. The intention of this is to always have an outlet for new users to the Web3 space to be able to mint their first NFT, and also simply always have an outlet for users to be able to turn a transaction that means something to them, into a stylized memento.

We plan on launching Infinitum later in the month, after deploying Chroma, so stay tuned! The price per mint for an Infinitum NFT will be ~0.005 ETH and those funds will also be used to enable us at Alpha Labs to continue to optimize and enhance Blockalizer, in addition to provide us with the resources needed to continue building more tools and projects in the Web3 space in general.

chroma and infinitum collection features

That’s about it for now — give us a follow on the Blockalizer Twitter to stay up to date, or our main Alpha Labs account, or email us from our website.

— Uneeb & Evan 👨‍🔬👨‍🔬

