Athletic Stance

Coach Glenn
Alpine Race Method
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2023
Screenshot from Video by Dr. Blaz Lesnik

Overview: Movement 1: The Athletic Stance utilizes the inherent capabilities of the human body, resulting in improved racing performance and a lowered risk of injuries.

This description is the first of seven modules included in the Ski Technique module, describing how elite skiers and racers carve turns.

The Athletic Stance for Alpine Ski Racers

When skiing, the human body is balanced, agile and strong when the feet are directly below the body and shoulder width apart, ankles are flexed forward, the upper body is tipped forward at the waist, the back is about the same angle as the shins, arms are forward and a bit to the side and the chin is level with the snow with eyes looking forward.

Screenshot from Video by Dr. Blaz Lesnik

Returning to the Athletic Stance during the transition between turns will enable you to be in the optimal position to start the next turn.

A good demonstration of the Athletic Stance is provided Tom Waddington.

Video produced by CARV

Former U.S. Ski Team coach Pete Anderson comments on the Athletic Stance of Fritz Dopfer previously with the German Ski Team.

Video produced by COE TV

An effective drill focusing on the key components of the Athletic Stance is the “Stork Turn”, demonstrated by the New Zealand Snow Sports Instructors Alliance.

The Stork Turn Drill

Key Takeaways

The Athletic Stance is a fundamental posture for alpine ski racers, optimizing their skiing performance and reducing the risk of injuries. Returning to the Athletic Stance during transitions between turns is crucial for maintaining an optimal position to initiate the next turn effectively. Various demonstrations and drills, like the “Stork Turn,” help skiers practice and reinforce the key components of the Athletic Stance.

Suggested Learning Modules

Go to Ski Technique 2. Flex, Roll, Stack and Press

Return to Ski Technique or Learn to Race

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Return to Tips for Coaching Adult Racers

Important Note: Skiing and ski racing come with inherent risks. As such, it is imperative to ski responsibly and remain within the boundaries of your skill level and personal comfort zone.

