Bucket List Item #3 : Sky Diving in Sydney!

Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2016


If you are an adrenaline junkie like me make sure you cross out skydiving from your bucket list when you’re in Sydney. One of the best cities in the world to offer a great Skydiving experience, there are quite a few locations to choose from. I opted for a Tandem Skydiving experience with Sydney Skydivers.

How to book?

I simply went to http://sydneyskydivers.com.au/ and booked the 11:00 am slot for a 14000 ft. Tandem Skydive, and made a quick follow up call on their 1300 number to check if I needed to bring something along, type of outfit suitable for it, the instructors, time duration etc. Thinking I had all the information I needed I reached the venue on time only to realize that it had gotten too windy by that hour to dive! I mean I was mentally prepared to take that leap of faith where I could DIE‼

So with a 20/10 level of frustration, I rescheduled the dive for an early 8:00 am slot for the week after. Lesson learnt — the earlier in the day, the more chances of a successful dive!

What to wear?

Sports or active-wear are perfect, it’s just that much easier to get into that foamy jumpsuit and put on the load of diving accessories and gears. If you have ultra-long hair like mine, please braid them and tuck them tight, and take off any jewelry.

What was it like?

I was all excited and thrilled, taking selfies in the plane with my instructor, then just when they opened the door, this girl who was supposed to jump before me, tugged on to the plane and she just won’t jump‼ So without wasting anymore time they just pushed me to the first in the queue. I quickly froze all movement, just pretended to be a corpse that was tied to the instructor, and dived!

Once the parachute opened up and the heart-arresting freefall stopped, it was that never-seen-before view of the drop-dead gorgeous Earth. And just when I was getting used to the buoyancy of a bird it was time to land. The landing is something you need to be wary of as well, so learn the correct technique from your instructor and practice as much as you can prior and in-air, to avoid any mishaps.

Definitely not for the faint-hearted but it was a strangely spiritual experience of letting go of all fear and tasting freedom and peace in the true sense. So head on and cross Skydiving off your bucket list.

So book this adventure today for a truly enthralling, once-in-a-life-time kind of experience. This is one outdoor sport activity that will indeed leave you with a real sense of fulfillment upon completion.

About The Author

A jill of many trades, Saroni Roy is a senior writer, editor and a PR professional. Her forte is lifestyle journalism, food, beauty and travel writing.

She also does market research for the Tourism Research Australia and is passionate about teaching English to speakers of other languages, worldwide. Find her on Instagram and Twitter.

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