Worm Travel Log #1: The Journey Begins

The Worm made its first moves this week. Here’s how it went.

The Worm NFT
4 min readJul 29, 2021


The Worm is the first NFT that uses Share to Mint (send The Worm to someone else, and it will mint a new NFT into your wallet).

Only the Original Worm can mint new NFTs as it travels. And it is up to whoever holds The Worm in their wallet to decide who to send The Worm to next. Its mission is to travel through the blockchain one transfer at a time. We will see how far it can go!

You can learn more about how The Worm works in our Worm 101 article.

When The Worm has visited 100 wallets, The Worm will send everyone who has hosted it a little digital surprise. (There are other rewards later as well).

As the Worm continues on, how will people decide where it goes and who it mints new NFTs to? Who will be within the first 100 wallets?

Here’s how The Worm travelled through the first 18 wallets so far:

Where it Began — Worm Jail

The Worm began its journey locked in Worm Jail on theworm.wtf website.

The Worm stuck in worm jail at theworm.wtf

Anyone could pay ETH to bail The Worm out. Eventually @Ars0nic paid The Worm’s bail and became the first wallet in its journey, marking him as The Early Bird, freer of The Worm!

He decided to raise the profile of The Worm by spreading the good news of The Worm and its creators (and their other projects, like FUCK YOUs), with tweets like this one:

First Stop — visiting its creators

After a week of proselytizing in the name of The Worm, Ars0nic passed The Worm to its three creators and two others who assisted in sharing the good news of The Worm and supporting it.

@McNames1, co-creator of The Worm, was the last in this short chain of initial Worm followers. She then passed The Worm off to The Circle of The Worm.

Next up The Circle of The Worm — A covenant created by those who sought The Worm

As momentum built around The Worm, a community formed inside the creator’s Discord (the Ambition Discord) to worship and discuss The Worm.

One user created a pledge and encouraged others to take it to keep The Worm inside the community for a while:

If the Worm enters the circle through my wallet I hereby commit to passing it along the Circle of Worm, clockwise, within 3 days and to no one else until the Circle is complete. I commit to never attempting to trade or sell the Worm. I commit to honoring these rules as my name is XXX.

Ultimately 10 took the pledge and the Circle of The Worm was created.

Names blurred to protect the protestors of The Worm? Hop into Discord to see all!

The sharing began and the Circle of The Worm was completed unbroken. Welllll … almost unbroken. One in the circle sent The Worm to someone outside the circle, but that person sent it to the next in the circle. Forgiveness was sought, and received.

As The Worm travelled around the circle, those outside The Worm community began to take notice:

The Stewards of The Worm — A Twitter contest to raise Worm awareness

At the end of the Circle of The Worm sat @smaroo, tasked with the heavy burden of determining The Worm’s next step. Heavy is the head that wears The Worm.

Amazing Worm meme by https://twitter.com/MyAhmazingLife

@smaroo decided to continue raising awareness of The Worm by requiring 100 retweets on his Twitter thread about The Worm before passing The Worm along.

Ultimately @smaroo got the attention he wanted for The Worm, and released The Stewards of The Worm, a list of 13 people who are expected to pass The Worm to one another in a specified order.

Most of the people chosen came from The Worm’s Discord channel, but a few outsiders were added as well, including one at the end of the Stewards list. As this person is responsible for determining The Worm’s next steps (should The Worm actually make it to that person), this has prompted ongoing discussion of what should happen toward the end of the Steward’s time with The Worm.

Where next??

The Worm is now only a few steps into The Stewards of The Worm. It remains to be seen if The Worm will be passed successfully through the Stewards’ list.

All we can say is that we pray The Worm will have safe passage and that those who believe in The Worm soon receive the reward of the faithful — a visit by The Worm.

While you’re here…

You can follow The Worm on Twitter @TheWormNFT and at TheWorm.wtf.

Hop into our Discord to if you want the Worm.

Follow the team behind The Worm on Twitter @ambition_wtf and online at ambition.wtf.



The Worm NFT

The Worm is the 1st Social NFT gathering followers on the ETH blockchain. Step 1: Obtain The Worm NFT then pass it to another wallet. Step 2: Receive blessings.