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American Enterprise Institute
American Enterprise Institute
Cherish freedom? The power of enterprise? Opportunity for all? It’s these core beliefs that drive the scholars and staff at the American Enterprise Institute.
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On Trump’s ‘extreme vetting’ of immigrants and refugees

By Danielle Pletka

There is much to be said for keeping promises, and it has become the habit of American politicians to include their constituents in the farce that has become the campaign system. But I will…

Kompromat: The real failing pile of garbage

By Danielle Pletka

This morning a piece in the Washington Post on Putin and the dark art of “kompromat” prompted a few thoughts about yesterday’s presser with Donald Trump.

A team, or circus, of rivals?

By Andrew Bowen

Re-watching reruns of The Apprentice, one can unmistakably draw parallels between the show and the President-elect’s so-far media saturated transition to the presidency. Both the 24-hour news cycle and Trump himself (through his…

Flag burning and the difference between speech and expression

By Rebecca Burgess

During and in the decade following the Vietnam War, flag burning of American flags by American citizens in public protest became a near-celebrated thing, as plaintiff Gregory…