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AMINO insights
AMINO Capital is built by engineers and scientists who work tirelessly to help you win data and talents.
Note from the editor

AMINO Capital is built by engineers and scientists who work tirelessly to help you win data and talents.

Go to the profile of AI2.Org
AI2 = Amino Institute for Artificial Intelligence | organizing Palo Alto AI ML Meet-up: https://t.co/RwUkWKNbZY
Go to the profile of Sue Xu
Editor in chief
Sue Xu
Partner @AMINO_Capital (aka zPark Capital); investing in over 80 early stage startups in their seed, A and B rounds. Mentor/Judge @BigIdeasCal, #stanfordGSB
Go to the profile of Amino Capital
Amino Capital
An early stage venture firm based in Palo Alto, focused on data driven technologies