Puzzling The World Together

Exhale with Adii Pienaar
4 min readJul 20, 2017

Every day I remind myself that my perspective on the world can be very narrow at times.

Even when I’m seeking connection, am being open-minded, learning new things and having great empathy, my perspective can still just represent a slither of the universe’s spectrum.

The risk of this is always a form of ignorance which could hurt the world, others or myself in one way or another.

The greater challenge is, however, one of uncertainty and freedom. Perhaps it is about being free from uncertainty.

When my perspective of the world is narrow, I have many blind spots. In this way, many unilluminated areas of life pose questions and threaten with the fear of the unknown.

But whenever I manage to find a glimmer of light in a previously dark area of life, previous uncertainties become less intense. Less threatening.

I often speak about being able to see the bigger picture. I guess the most relevant question I could ask of myself is what is the relative measure of size here? When I refer to a bigger picture, I am only suggesting that I can imagine or consider a few new dots on the spectrum that goes beyond the micro-environment of my own life or current situation.

A likely better pursuit of the bigger picture is to extend my narrow perspective of the world because that perspective is my micro-environment. By extending that perspective, my bigger picture becomes bigger yet, and I possibly get to have a fuller spectrum experience of life.

In my pursuit, I have found a couple of ways that have ultimately broadened my horizons. Things like travelling, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures, getting out of my comfort zones, listening to new music, trying new things, having first-time experiences, provocative art, drinking too much wine, TED talks and attending conferences have all helped shape my view of the universe.

Sometimes it has been as simple as having a quick coffee with someone — stranger or friend — and just listening to what is happening in their world right now.

Rarely has it been reading or following the news.

If there is, however, one thing that has changed my approach wholeheartedly, it has been reading books. Random stuff, across various genres and about a cacophony of topics. (Look at the books that I have read this year for example.)

What I have realised reading all of the books is that every one of them has been a piece of the puzzle called Life or Universe.

I don’t know about you, but I learnt that the best way to complete a puzzle is to find the pieces on the edges and then build from the outside-in. But this isn’t how Life’s puzzle works.

Whenever I’ve read a book recently, I’ve managed to garner a couple of tit-bits of learning or inspiration that illuminates part of the spectra of the universe. Since there are no edges or a framework to this spectrum — or at least, as mere mortals, we don’t yet know where those edges are — every piece of the puzzle instead just represents a dot on the spectrum. And with every new dot that becomes illuminated, I have the possibility of connecting it to other dots.

The effect this has is the same as you would have if you were to start lighting candles in a massive, empty and dark warehouse. The first two or three candles will probably not break through the darkness, but with every new candle lit, the light stretches a little further, until the radiance from one candle connects with that of the one closest to it.

And as that happens, we suddenly find a (sometimes, new) path forward in our lives. A way that hopefully embraces greater freedom to explore, experience and live: A pursuit to a full spectrum experience of life.

I believe that the only way to do that is not to understand the universe, but just to extend our perspectives and perceptions thereof. When we do that, we break down borders and boundaries in a way that allows us to connect to others, the world as a whole and life.

At that moment, the universe invites you to just plug into its spectra.

And as you do that, you become just another illuminated dot on that spectra.

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Exhale with Adii Pienaar

Currently working on Conversio (@getconversio). Previously: Co-Founder / CEO of @WooThemes. Also: New dad & ex-Rockstar. More at http://adii.me.