10 Ideas Worth Sharing This Week

How to deal with your parents on Facebook, figure out if somebody will pay you back, and more.

For The Interested
Published in
7 min readMay 13, 2017


Each week I share 10 ideas with my newsletter subscribers. Following is this week’s newsletter — sign up here to get future issues.

“You are what you share.” — Charles W. Leadbeater

I’m plotting.

Dreaming up new possibilities for what this newsletter and community can become.

Thinking about what’s possible, how to provide more value to you, and how to enable you to create value for each other.

Cool things are coming. But if you’ve joined our Facebook group, you already know that.

I’m excited. I hope you are too.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…


“Most people don’t question rules, but most successful people do.”

This will only take you two minutes to read, but it just might change your life.

I’ve put together a list of 20 reasons why you should break the rules to encourage you to push the boundaries of your creativity, work, and life.



For The Interested

I’ll help you produce, promote, and profit from your creations. Subscribe to my newsletter for free personalized recommendations: ForTheInterested.com/subscribe