45 Things To Remember When The World Gets Scary

A guide to getting through a tough time.

For The Interested
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2020


This isn’t the post I planned to publish today.

Today’s my 45th birthday and each year on my birthday I share lessons I’ve learned about life — for example, these 43 ways I’ve learned to make life easier.

But as we cope with a global pandemic, life certainly isn’t easy at the moment and my thoughts have turned to how to live in a world that seems out of control.

Here’s what I’ve found helpful to remember when the world gets scary…

1. This isn’t the first time the world has been scary and it won’t be the last.

2. The vast majority of people care. About people they know. About people they don’t. About you.

3. Thousands of people have dedicated their lives to prepare for this moment and they will do heroic things even they don’t realize they’re capable of.

4. Even if this “moment” lasts for six months, it will only consume about 0.5% of your lifetime when all is said and done. It may have an outsized impact, but it’s a blip on the radar in the big picture.

5. Extend conversations that make you feel better, end ones that make you feel worse.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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