A 10-Post, 5-Week Content Plan To Get Your Work Noticed

This is how to get your target audience’s attention.

Josh Spector
For The Interested
Published in
6 min readNov 10, 2017


This is an actionable post.

In my ultimate guide to grow your audience I outlined the high-level strategy necessary to build a following, but now it’s time to get specific.

Here’s a concrete plan to produce valuable, relevant content that attracts and grows your target audience in just five weeks.

The plan includes 10 content prompts you can use to inspire blog posts, videos, podcast episodes, or even social media status updates —it’s flexible enough to work on whatever platform you choose.

All you have to do is create content based on each topic and share it with the world. I recommend two posts a week for five weeks, but you can tweak the frequency to fit your own situation.

Let’s do it…

Post 1: Introduce Yourself

To kick things off write an introductory post to explain who you are and what you’re about to do.

Tell people you plan to publish two new pieces of content each week for the next five weeks and (this is important) give them an easy way to follow along with the journey.



Josh Spector
For The Interested

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