My 5 Favorite Productivity Tips Of The Year (in 140 words or less)

New ways to plan your day, use your phone, and manage your inbox.

For The Interested
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2017


Of the 500+ ideas I’ve shared this year in my For The Interested newsletter, here are a few quick summaries of my favorite productivity tips.

If you’d like me to send you more tips like this on Sunday, sign up here.

1. How To Stop Checking Your Phone And Start Using It With Intention

Try these simple tactics:

  • Don’t check your phone in the car.
  • Don’t check your phone during TV commercials.
  • Keep your phone across the room from where you’re sitting.
  • Turn off all notifications.
  • Choose an end point for every web surfing session.
  • Don’t check your phone while in line.
  • Don’t check your phone for first and last 30 minutes of each day.
  • Turn phone off immediately after posting something on social media.

Read more here.

2. Design Your Day Using Anti-Goals



For The Interested

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