7 Body Language Signs Your Crush Likes You

Gopal Natarajan
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readDec 12, 2020
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

You’ve got a crush, don’t you? Now, you might be wondering how to get them to notice you. You may also be wondering, how on earth will I know if they like me back? You know you could just ask them, but if you don’t want to, or maybe it’s in the very early stages of crushing, then we have 10 Body Language Signs to help you figure out if your crush indeed likes you back.

1.They exhibit open body language:
Open body language is a fantastic way to tell if someone likes you. This doesn’t always mean they like you in a romantic way. But, hey, if someone likes you enough to be their friend, they might like you enough to be more than friends, if you know what I’m saying. If someone is sitting in a relaxed, open position, or perhaps talking openly with their hands, they may subconsciously be showing that they like you. Closed off behaviors, such as keeping their arms crossed, holding something in front of their body, or keeping their legs crossed and body stiff, can all be signs that someone just perhaps isn’t feeling it today, or worse, they aren’t feeling you.

2. They maintain eye contact:
People tend to keep eye contact with someone they like. While this isn’t always the case, as some people can be shy or not like the intensity of eye contact. Generally, people who like each other romantically will want to meet each other’s gaze. I’m sure you’ve heard of the classic, catching someone staring at you and quickly looking away. Yes, from across the room, you may catch your crush staring at you, only to quickly turn away and blush, but they can do this while talking to you, as well. If your crush likes you, they’ll show they’re hanging on your every word by keeping eye contact. They may also just be getting lost in your dreamy eyes. Forget about Ryan Gosling, your eyes are an ocean.

3. They mirror you:
Have you ever found yourself adopting someone else’s gestures or movements at a party or social gathering? It’s not that you consciously intend to do so, but yet here you are, raising your purse fingers in the air, talking about Mario’s Famous Italian Pizza. This psychological phenomenon is called the chameleon effect and was explored in further studies. Turns out, we tend to subconsciously mimic other people’s behavior in certain social settings. That is if we like them or want to be like them. People like people who are like themselves. So, next time you catch your crush mimicking your gestures or classic phrases or dance moves, they may like you as much as you like them unless they really liked dancing and want to learn from you as a teacher, completely platonic.

4. They expose their neck or their wrists:
People tend to open up to people they like and subconsciously show their weakest spots. Sounds kinda creepy, but it’s not. Like having open body language, we may expose vulnerable parts of our body, like our necks or our wrists, to subconsciously show that we trust someone. We can look to Marilyn Monroe’s classic neck, tilting pose for inspiration. People may stroke their neck and tilt their heads in interest to show that they like you. Showing their hands and not hiding them away in their pockets, leaves another vulnerable part of their body, their wrists, open for attack. So, don’t be a mountain lion or anything, and attack the poor person, ask them out, already.

5. They give you genuine smiles:
Everyone knows about the polite smiles, we’re not talking about those. We’re talking about the full-blown, genuine smile. Now, they may be shy and try to hide their full smile, but oftentimes, when someone is having a good time around someone they like, they will let their teeth show when they break into a smile. If their cheeks are up to their eyes around you, they might just like you too.

6. They lean forward towards you:
If you’re crushing leans forward towards you, when they talk to you, they may just fancy you. They not only want to hear what you have to say, but they want to be close to you too, and they also want to make sure what they’re saying is heard clearly by leaning in closer. This type of closeness brings the relationship a step further than just good acquaintances or casual friends.

7. They act nervous and squirm around in their seats:
When you have a crush on someone, you tend to induce nervously. You may giggle or squirm or play with your hair or shuffle in your seat. This is good news. It means your crush likes you, or they really need to use the bathroom. Not looking too good, my friend, not looking too good. As long as they genuinely smile and look comfortable, they may just be fidgeting in their chair so much because they are nervous to be around someone they like.

