
Celie Wells
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
6 min readNov 29, 2020


What I get when I ask the universe to tell me a story.

Image by Kellepics, pixabay via Canva

I put up a post about automatic writing, explaining my process for meditating to begin a raw fiction writing session. I use this process when I sleep to allow me to remember my dreams.

A few readers sent emails asking what type of stories I get from this process. Thinking about the question, I considered posting one of my working dreams to see if people enjoyed reading one.

On the Rails, an excerpt I posted here, is one of my dreams. This particular raw personality finds me every few months while I sleep. I added the dream to my fictional character Pax, a greater prince of hell pretending to be a common demon soul collector in my novel Onus Angelorum.

So here is the first installment: Sagres

Thanksgiving was odd for me this year, as I’m sure it was for everyone. We lost family — the table looked different. Hubby and I were looking at multiple lunches and dinners, pie and drink gatherings. Our social groups needed to be separated by age. By eleven, when I headed to bed, I was frazzled.

I decided to shower and meditate in the quiet house before heading to bed. I grabbed a water and announced I’m ready to work — tell me your story, into the night air as I took a final bag of kitchen garbage to the outside trash. My husband was out cold from carb…

