Hmmm, I Don’t Know That One

Why I Haven’t Embraced the Digital Assistant Craze. Yet.

Darryl Brooks
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readSep 19, 2020


For most of the last 40 years, I was what the marketers called an early adopter. What this means in practical terms is, I paid $800 each for a 300 baud modem (Google it, kiddies) and a first-gen cellular telephone. Yes, that’s what we called them back then. At twenty cents a minute, we probably should have come up with a…



Darryl Brooks
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Photographer & Writer-I shoot what I see-I write what I feel. Top writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, Productivity, Self Improvement, Business, Life Lessons