Is College Worth It In 2021 & Beyond?

In less than 6 months you can make a 6 figure income

Phillip Ollison
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
4 min readSep 2, 2020


While residing in the information age, it’s prevalent to take advantage of every free resource presented to us. Not only to instantly receive news but to transform your life financially.

Just a couple of decades ago, being able to obtain the information that’s on the web was unfathomable.

Now you can buckle down, learn a trade and in 6 or more months, like Andrei Neagoie, and triple your old revenue.

Many like the Federal Reserve will argue that college is still worth the money, but I encourage you to read further in order to see both sides of the equation.

Warning: Freelancing isn’t for the weak-hearted, and impatient. To succeed in freelancing, you must:

  • Work consistently every day while receiving a lot of no’s
  • Patience & Endurance
  • Drive to reach the goal
  • Knowledge of niches volatile nature

It’s essential to not go through things without researching the pros and cons.

Note: All resources I give links to are free, but of course, some things require you to get behind the paywall. I encourage you to have at least one resource where you are paying for the service. Why free information is mot of the time-limited, therefore, you are getting much more valuable information.

3 Hot Occupations

Is College Worth The Cost
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


Of course, coding would be on the top of the list. Business Insider predicts that between 2018–2028, there will be 241,500 more coding jobs. Plus, there are so many associated jobs under the coding umbrella. So let’s just say with the plentiful opportunities and money being generated there is enough for everybody.

Data Scientist

Data Scientist is needed in every sector of the world and is not boxed into just technology. Data scientists aid us in our quest for total automation. With that being said, this is one hot market that can earn you six figures, and you can learn from the comfort of your own home. This occupation saw an increase of 56 percent in job rate in 2019, and it projected to grow over 20% this decade.

Marketing Research Analysis

MRA will receive a 20% employment increase with the expansion of data and market research reaching an all-time high.

Free Resources To Learn Above Careers

  • YouTube Free tutorials & courses
  • W3Schools — Free reference for everything programing
  • S/io — Free Webinars, Limited Free Courses, Limited Free Tutorials
  • Dev C — Free coding community similar to the medium platform
  • LeetCode — Free programming interview preparer with real Google, Apple, IBM, etc., questions.
  • Coursera- Limited free marketing research courses and tutorials

3 Free Resources: Apple’s iTunesU | Free College Courses from Yale, Harvard, etc.

Learn Whatever Your Inner Einstein Itches For With iTunesU

With millions of free resources on the internet, is college worth it any more?
Apple’s iTunes U

The possibilities are endless as apple has plenty of niches to satisfy that entrepreneur’s brain.

These will not be related to the jobs above. These resources will give you endless job possibilities that many people worldwide look over.

Apple has free courses from top Ivy League schools and many more illustrious institutions.

It is equipped with audio and video lectures, assignments, apps, weblinks, and many more resources to assist your learning experience.

YouTube: Thousands of Tutorials From Hair, Mechanical and Software Engineering, Accounting, and Many More

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Just really sit down and think about all the free information on youtube.

Yeah, you most definitely should pay for a lot of information found on the tube.

Don’t anticipate for powerhouses like youtube to stay entirely free for too much longer as you see rollouts like Youtube premium and YoutubeTV.

Social Media Groups and Forums

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

So much can be learned by joining free forums, Facebook Groups, Quora, Reddit, and Twitter. Like stated earlier, it’s essential to soak up all information while it’s free, even if you have to screenshot and screen record information.

Advantages of free forums

  • Engagement (Working from home you need that engagement)
  • Validation (Doubts and Anxieties about niche)
  • Information, not privy too (Valuable esoteric information)

Many don’t realize the power of having a plethora of communities at the touch of a button.

3 Freelance Employment Outsources


  • Over 1.5 million clients so no shortage of work
  • Upwork is great for beginners, no matter the niche.
  • Upwork takes 20% for the highest paying jobs, 10% for midrange, and %5 for the lowest.

Fiverr Tutorial

  • Similar to Upwork
  • Popular for $5 projects | Quick projects with low pay compared to Upwork

Writer AccessTurorial

  • Writers only freelance platform
  • Popular for finding longterm clients
  • High paying clients

After review do you think college is worth it? Will you be encouraging kids going into said fields?

With tutuion sky high it just doesn’t make sense to waste your time and money. Plus your ROI just doesn’t add up!

If there is anything that I left out feel free to lets us know in the comments!

It’s essential to take advantage of all the free resources available. Each day that goes by, companies are charging for a subscription.



Phillip Ollison
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Phillip is a Father to a Zappy Grade-Schooler Girl | Writer | Software Developer | Sports Devotee | Full Articles @