Introduction to DBpedia

Making Wikipedia Query-able

Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)
Analytics Vidhya
6 min readApr 11, 2024



Have you heard of Wikipedia? You most likely have. We love Wikipedia and its extensive information. There are times when we need to search for information on a topic and compile it into a table. For example, let’s say we want to compile a list of all the members of bands in the alternative rock genre. We could search the Wikipedia page for the alternative rock genre and transcribe the information one by one, but that would be a significant amount of work.

You may use it to reference various concepts, famous people, and other curated information. But can you query this information programmatically, say for building a chatbot, directly? No, as the data is primarily in textual format, and not directly query-able. The answer to this problem is DBpedia — a query-able database of information extracted from Wikipedia.

The focus of DBpedia is on generating Linked Open Data from Wikipedia documents. There is another similar project called Wikidata, which focuses on creating Linked Open (meta) Data to supplement Wikipedia documents.

In this article, we will delve into the why, what, where, how, and who of DBpedia, uncovering its significance, functionality, implementation, and the communities driving its evolution.

Why DBpedia?

The Semantic Web is a vision of the World Wide Web where information is structured and interconnected in a way that enables machines to understand the meaning of data, rather than just its presentation. DBpedia is a shining example of this vision in action.

By extracting structured information from Wikipedia, the world’s largest online encyclopedia, DBpedia creates a knowledge base that can be queried and used for a wide range of applications.

DBpedia serves as a vital bridge between the unstructured text of Wikipedia and the structured data needed for various applications. By converting Wikipedia articles into structured data, DBpedia facilitates easier access, integration, and utilization of this wealth of information. Whether it’s for research, data analysis, knowledge discovery, or powering intelligent applications, DBpedia offers a valuable resource for diverse use cases.

What is DBpedia?

DBpedia can be thought of as a structured knowledge base built upon the content of Wikipedia. It represents information in the form of RDF (Resource Description Framework) triples, which consist of subject-predicate-object statements. These triples encode facts about entities such as people, places, organizations, and concepts, creating a semantic web of interconnected data.

DBpedia is a community-driven project that extracts structured information from Wikipedia and makes it available as linked open data. This means that the data in DBpedia is not only machine-readable, but also interconnected with other datasets on the Semantic Web.

At its core, DBpedia is a knowledge graph, a way of representing information as a network of entities (nodes) and the relationships between them (edges). This structured data can be queried using the SPARQL query language, allowing users to retrieve and combine information in powerful and flexible ways.

Important Concepts

DBpedia is built on top of several allied technologies, including:

  • RDF (Resource Description Framework): A standard data model for representing semantic data on the web.
  • SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language): A standard query language for querying RDF data.
  • OWL (Web Ontology Language): A standard language for defining ontologies, which are formal representations of knowledge domains.
  • Virtuoso: A powerful data management system that provides a SPARQL endpoint for querying DBpedia. A SPARQL endpoint is the gateway/API to the Linked Open Data cloud

Where is DBpedia Used?

DBpedia is a global, decentralized project, with contributors and users from all over the world. The main DBpedia knowledge base is hosted at, and it is available under an open license, allowing anyone to use and remix the data.

In addition to the main DBpedia knowledge base, there are also language-specific versions of DBpedia, such as DBpedia in German, French, or Chinese, allowing users to access the data in their native languages.

DBpedia finds applications across various domains, including semantic search, natural language processing, data integration, and knowledge graph construction. It serves as a foundational component for powering intelligent systems, recommendation engines, question-answering systems, and semantic web applications. Researchers, developers, and organizations worldwide leverage DBpedia to enrich their datasets, enhance their applications, and advance their understanding of the world.

How Does DBpedia Work?

DBpedia extracts structured data from Wikipedia using a combination of natural language processing, information extraction techniques, and ontological knowledge. It employs algorithms to identify entities, relationships, and attributes within Wikipedia articles and then maps them to a unified ontology. This process involves parsing wiki markup, resolving redirects, disambiguating terms, and reconciling entities with external knowledge bases. The resulting RDF triples are stored in a central repository, which is made available for querying and exploration through a SPARQL endpoint and various data dumps.

Extraction Process:

  • Infoboxes: DBpedia extracts information from Wikipedia infoboxes (those neat sidebars in articles).
  • Categories: It categorizes articles based on their subject matter.
  • Links: Inter-article links create connections between related topics.

Mapping to Ontologies:

  • DBpedia maps extracted data to established ontologies (e.g., DBpedia Ontology, YAGO,
  • This mapping ensures consistency and interoperability.

RDF Triples:

  • DBpedia represents data as RDF (Resource Description Framework) triples.
  • A triple consists of a subject, predicate, and object (e.g., “Berlin” — “capital of” — “Germany”).

Accessing and using DBpedia data is relatively straightforward. The main ways to interact with DBpedia include:

SPARQL Queries: DBpedia provides a SPARQL endpoint that allows you to query the knowledge base directly using the SPARQL query language. Here’s an example query that retrieves the population of New York City:

PREFIX dbo: <>
SELECT ?population
<> dbo:populationTotal ?population.

Here’s an example query that retrieves the names and birth dates of all US presidents:

PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?birthDate
?person dct:subject <> .
?person foaf:name ?name .
?person dbo:birthDate ?birthDate .

DBpedia Lookup Service: The DBpedia Lookup Service allows you to search for and retrieve information about entities in the DBpedia knowledge base.

DBpedia Spotlight: DBpedia Spotlight is a tool that can automatically annotate text with links to relevant DBpedia resources, making it easier to extract structured information from unstructured data.

DBpedia APIs: DBpedia also provides various API endpoints, such as the DBpedia Ontology API and the DBpedia Live API, which allow you to programmatically access and interact with the DBpedia knowledge base.

Python Example (using SPARQLWrapper)

from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper, JSON
sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")
SELECT ?city ?population
?city rdf:type dbo:City .
?city dbo:populationTotal ?population .
results = sparql.query().convert()
for result in results["results"]["bindings"]:
city_name = result["city"]["value"]
population = result["population"]["value"]
print(f"{city_name}: Population {population}")

Who is Behind DBpedia?

The DBpedia project was initially started in 2007 by researchers at the Free University of Berlin and the University of Leipzig. Since then, it has grown to include contributions from individuals, organizations, and institutions worldwide, making it a truly global and community-driven effort.

DBpedia is a collaborative project initiated by the Semantic Web community and driven by a dedicated community of researchers, developers, and enthusiasts. It is maintained by the DBpedia Association, a non-profit organization committed to advancing the project’s development, sustainability, and impact. Contributors from academia, industry, and the open-source community continually enhance DBpedia’s coverage, quality, and functionality through contributions, feedback, and collaboration.


DBpedia stands as a testament to the transformative power of structured data in harnessing the collective knowledge of humanity. By converting unstructured text into a structured knowledge base, DBpedia enables a wide range of applications and insights that were previously unimaginable. As we continue to explore and expand the boundaries of knowledge representation and semantic understanding, DBpedia remains a cornerstone of the Semantic Web ecosystem, driving innovation and discovery in the digital age.

Whether you’re a developer, a researcher, or simply someone curious about the world around you, I encourage you to explore the vast and interconnected knowledge contained within DBpedia. With its rich data, flexible querying capabilities, and collaborative community, the possibilities for discovery and innovation are truly endless.


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Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)
Analytics Vidhya

PhD in Geometric Modeling | Google Developer Expert (Machine Learning) | Top Writer 3x (Medium) | More at