Anchor for Android is Available Now

Building the future of radio, for everyone

Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2016


After months of development and beta testing, we are so excited to finally announce that v1.0 of Anchor for Android is available in the Google Play Store.

Earlier this year, we launched Anchor for iOS as the first step in our mission to democratize audio. Our goal was to put fun, powerful, and universally intuitive audio tools in the hands of anyone with a smartphone, enabling them to broadcast their thoughts to the world and immediately get their voices heard. And today, all of those same features are available in our Android app.

Download Anchor for Android, free on Google Play

Here at Anchor, we absolutely love Android — so when we saw the immediate demand for an Android app after our initial launch, we knew we had to do it right, or not do it at all. With the help of one of the best Android engineers in the biz, we got to work building Anchor for Android. Maan’s worked on other great apps like Digg, Instapaper, and The New York Times, and we think you’ll be really pleased with his work bringing the magic of Anchor over to Android in a way that feels native to the platform. We designed the app from the ground up, using principles of Material Design and iterating until we found an experience that felt delightful on our own Android devices. We’ve also been testing the app publicly for a few weeks now through Google’s Early Access program, and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Anchor for Android

You may be wondering how it’s going for us so far, and the answer is… it’s been a wild ride. The past few months have been an unpredictable, funny, fascinating journey for our team and for everyone using Anchor with us. Allow us to take a quick detour down memory lane for a few highlights off the top of our heads: our initial launch, the construction of the amazing Anchor team, our kickoff party at SXSW, the drama of finding our own office space in NYC, the innumerable impressive and creative waves, the joy of discovering that celebs and people we look up to were using the app (not to mention our favorite TV show!), and an integration with one of our favorite platforms. Suffice it to say, it’s been an awe-inspiring year for everyone on the Anchor team.

But the most rewarding part of our journey so far has been the formation of the Anchor community. We’ve met, talked to, learned from, laughed with, and collaborated with so many creative people from all over the world who’ve found ways to use our app that we never could have imagined. It’s these incredible people (and their waves) that fuel our team and pushes us to innovate and ship new features, each and every day. We’re so thankful and humbled by the support we’ve received from them so far.

It’s no small feat to reinvent a hundred year old format, and we’re still just getting started. Stay tuned; we’ve got some incredibly fun updates in the works, and we can’t wait for you to hear what’s coming next, for both Android and iOS.

Thanks, as always, for listening. ⚓️

If you love Anchor, please do us a favor and recommend this Medium post by tapping the heart below — it really helps!

