“So long as thanks for the clapping”

All series’ first wrap-up

Andrew Zolnai
Andrew Zolnai
2 min readSep 27, 2022


Fenlands sunset, fall 2021, Long Drove, Cottenham (2nd village N of Cambridge UK)

‘Clapping’ is appreciation here, and it mirrors my blog’s old exit-post:

“So long and thanks for all the fish, I meant maps (apologies to Douglas Adams)” was the last post in my #30DayMapChallenge reported below, not incl. an extra one at the end. As my life situation has changed this proved to be prophetic: I’m withdrawing from social media, activism and geo work until I sort my life out. It’s been a pleasure participating in mappy adventures with y’all. Ta for now.

Update: see news items toward the bottom… And see the final wrap-up here.

A series recap, both on here and on my blog highlight the themes I traversed since April 2016, reposted at the very bottom here. At the upper right hand corner, my blog in desktop not in mobile mode also shows my professional channel here as well as my personal portfolio of story maps, since 2016 and 2020 respectively. And 🥁🥁🥁 (drumroll)…

My blog since 2009 just passed ½M hits… an average 100 a day! (see here)

Medium posts fall into two categories, 30 posts unsorted and three series of 15 posts each, full list at bottom:

  • current affairs following US elections and Brexit, with seven song rewrites, from Nov. 2016 to Oct. 2017
  • Toward a rational View of Society, from Nov. 2017 to Aug. 2019, offers some thoughts on the status quo
  • Speaking Truth to power, from Nov. 2019 to Sep. 2021 then July to Sep. 2022, turns up the heat on more pointed commentary
  • A new/old world order, from Jan. to Sep. 2022 proposes an alternate world view I model in my new relationships

As I move into a new phase into my life — see here — I may post less regularly if at all. A previous recap was followed by more posts… so am I quite done yet?

STOP PRESSES: 👇 my circumstances have changed over the last six monhs 👇

See my updated posting here, how my sponsor turned out to be a scam.

I cautiously re-engaged in social media, to extend Cambridge Quaker campaigns on Twitter, Instagram and Nextdoor. I was also encouraged to post on Instagram some of my AI “art”… that’s not really art, see more here!

I stopped social media but I haven’t stopped posting, see top entries below.

