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Google just terminated our start-up Google Play Publisher Account on Christmas day

An open letter from an Android developer to the Android Community and specially to Purnima Kochikar, director of Google Play, Apps & Games at Google.

Pablo A. Martínez
Published in
14 min readDec 30, 2018


(Translations of this Open Letter: Russian, (Spanish coming soon))

TL;DR; Who watches the watchmen at Google Play?

  • December 24th. Received Google Play account termination email. It mentions it is due to prior violations of “associated accounts” outlined in previous emails.
  • Never received any communication prior the termination regarding any infringement not solved or previous emails regarding to an “associated account”.
  • December 24th. I appealed for human assistance by suggested text form because Google Play lacks of a proper Developer Customer service by phone or assigned account manager.
  • December 25th. I received 24 hours exactly after the termination communication an email telling me that my appeal has been rejected. (Most probably rejected by a bot)
  • Result: A ten years long Android career and a successful start-up killed for Christmas.



Pablo A. Martínez

Entrepreneur & CEO @GreenLionSoft · Android Lead · Home of @MadridMBC · Android, OpenSource and OpenData promoter · Runner · Traveller