kotlin254 Weekly

Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2022
kotlin254 weekly #2 poster

Welcome back after that long week. Better late than never right? So what have our droids been up to in the past week…

Breens Awesome Podcast

We kick off with an amazing and informative podcast from Breens Robert which you can find here. He goes on to talk with Ray Kay (a.k.a @wiseAss301 on twitter) about software architecture, learning data structures and algorithms (this is good for those applying at Google, wink wink), how to grow as a developer among other things. Head over to Spotify and enjoy the podcast. Let me leave you with one highlight:

Always use an architecture that will help you not destroy you

He also has a small article on how to enable device mirroring in Electric Eel which you can find here.

Droids Heading For Berlin

As the long awaited droidcon Berlin is just around the corner our droids have been out and about, some roaming the streets of Germany (you know yourselves) while others anxiously prepare for their talks ( Harun, Frank and Juma ). It is a nice feeling for the community knowing we are well represented by these amazing developers, all the best in your talks droid and Frank don’t be afraid to come home with something something.

Linus Moose roaming in Leizpig

We’re all happy when droids get great offers and see them grow. Last week has been exceptional for our master chef as he accepted a new role at Invia Group Germany, congratulations!!! We wish you all the best in your new role and hope Ronnie will not die of hunger now that his food plug is gone.

Herzliche Glückwünsche

Beatrice Kinya’s First with configuration change.

The good news doesn’t stop there as Kinya’s first article at Raywenderlich is up and it’s all about the dreaded configuration changes in android. In case you don’t know one of the most irritating things to handle in android is making sure your data survives configuration changes and who else to teach you about it other than our beloved author. You can find the article here, and don’t forget to tweet at her what you discovered.

Kenneth Mathari Spotifying…

Not only is he crushing it at Kyosk but he’s also going above and beyond at Github with his awesome profile readme (you can check it out here). So how did he do it? He shares his insights with us through an article on medium, it is really simple and very easy to follow. Try it out and tag him Kenneth Mathari (@KennethMathari on twitter) leaving comments and ideas on how we can make it better.

What is Tabasumu?

I have asked myself the same question ever since I heard that name, but direct google translation means “live together” and if google says so then it means its true 😂 😂 😜😜. As a community we strive to assist and facilitate the growth and development of others into great developers. One way of doing that is by contributing to open source which is the primary focus of Tabasumu. By contributing you gain the experience of working in a team, using the latest and greatest and leveraging off some of the best developers we know. Why don’t you head over to the github page, and if you’re interested drop us your email here.

Waiter : Do you want some ketchup with that?

Me : Just give me some open-sauce 😎😎

With that out of the way, have an awesome week and remember to keep developing…




Mobile Developer @ NLS Tech Solution, Co-organizer @KoltinKenya