Solar Charge Your Human Batteries, Solar Charge Your Life

Forever Blessed
Angle and Perspective
4 min readOct 10, 2023

originally published March 17, 2023

Angle & Perspective — Journal

{Informative Article}

| Solar | Solar Energy | Sunlight | Sun Exposure | Health | Wellness | Energy Beings | Nature | Vitality | Body, Mind, Spirit | Indigenous Knowledge | Wilderness | Science | Human Environment | Light | Mental Health | Vitamin N | Deficiencies | Vitamin D | Outdoor Life | Lifestyles | Alternative Medicine | Ancient Pathways |

Part of the Solar-Charged Series.

Solar energy and solar-powered technology have found their way into our lives and become a powerful reference for top renewable energy sources and hailed as an environmental victory 1, but we still haven’t yet managed to understand the significance of solar-charging our own bodies and souls.

While we seek to save the greater environment and tackle the challenges posed by it, we cannot neglect to care for the environments we ourselves are exposed to every day that impact our health and psyche. We need the sun just as much as any solar-powered house, car, light or cell phone. We need to solar-charge our lives with a good dose of “vitamin nature” 2 every day for our best selves, and in good news, doctors are now authorized to do exactly this (please reference the next article in the series).

Our bodies have been converting solar energy into useful body fuel quite efficiently for some time now, but we’ve taken it for granted and gotten a little too comfortable being indoors. As sedentary life has taken over most of the US and “developed” countries, the ease of luxury lifestyles comes with some less luxurious side effects 3.

A deficiency in vitamin D is now one of the most prevalent deficiencies in the US and abroad 4, which can lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis, fractures, osteomalacia (bone pain, muscle weakness, fatigue) 5 and can also contribute to increased mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.

“Vitamin D plays an important role in brain homeostasis, neurodevelopment, immunological modulation, aging, and also, importantly, in gene regulation” 6

Ongoing studies in research continue to find more possible connections to medical conditions caused by a lack of vitamin D, such as…

Non-skeletal disorders:

dementia, autism, schizophrenia, depression, muscle pain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, and infections, and all-cause mortality 7, autoimmune disease 8, and “may influence the risks of respiratory illness, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and chronic diseases of adulthood.” 9

I’d say Vitamin D (also known as the “sunshine vitamin”) plays a pretty important role in our overall well-being, wouldn’t you?

Vitamin D has most historically been provided by the sun in the form of UV B radiation which we intake through our largest organ, the epidermis 10, (aka our skin). Just as solar panels store up energy from the sun and convert it to energy, so too our skin soaks up the rays and coverts this energy into a chemical form which we call pre-vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). 11

Once converted it is carried to the liver (calcifediol) and kidneys to activate its final & useful form: Vitamin D (calcitriol). 12 And just like turning on a light switch from your solar-powered energy bank, once activated, Vitamin D stimulates activity to increase calcium and phosphate absorption and reabsorption back into the bloodstream, where these partners mineralize into the bones to strengthen them. 13

Vitamin D can also be ingested through foods carrying vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and you can take vitamin D3 as a supplement. The foods carrying the greatest amounts of vitamin D2 are typically found in fatty fish and fish liver oils, like salmon or cod liver oil. Eggs, cheese, beef liver, fortified milk, nut milks, tofu, and mushrooms.

As great as vitamin D is… it’s still only one of the benefits we get from solar charging. In the next series, we’ll explore “Vitamin-N”, nature deficiency disorder, and nature-prescribed wellness.

Until then, my advice to you is… get outside! Spend some time exploring the unknown, get lost in the wilderness for a while and see what surprises you find. They may be hiding in the smallest and least likely to be seen places. 🙂 And as you solar charge your internal batteries you are increasing your longevity and ultimately solar-charging your life.

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Charging by Unplugging,













Originally published at on October 10, 2023.

