Go to Unparalled: A Diary from a Daughter to Her Father
Unparalled: A Diary from a Daughter to Her Father
Revelations from a daughter to her Heavenly Father as she’s embraces God’s purposes for her life while fulfilling His will through love, discipline, laughter and life’s lessons.
Note from the editor

Revelations from a daughter to her Heavenly Father as she’s embraces God’s purposes for her life while fulfilling His will through love, discipline, laughter and life’s lessons.

Go to the profile of Victoria "S" Tidwell
Victoria "S" Tidwell
A daughter of The Most High sharing my gifts through writings on triumphs, failures & all that fall in between. This is a privilege. Thank you for the support.
Go to the profile of Victoria "S" Tidwell
Victoria "S" Tidwell
A daughter of The Most High sharing my gifts through writings on triumphs, failures & all that fall in between. This is a privilege. Thank you for the support.