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No Money Heads Up, Everyone’s Solid

I’m kidding of course. There’s still plenty of weak, exploitable players in HU (despite what some people think). At many points in your poker career, you’ll feel like the game is unbeatable. We’ve all been there, but dedication in the face of adversity is what makes…

What Ayn Rand Can Teach You About Making Your Opponent Tilt

I’m almost done with Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. She’s a really good writer, though the story can get a bit frustrating at times. Anyway, one of the key points in her philosophy is that guilt is a powerful way of controlling…

Playing Good When You’re Running Bad

Seth Godin had a great post on his blog today. Even though he’s talking about marketing and customer service, his advice applies really well to poker. Let’s say you have a bike race coming up and you obviously want to have the best time you possibly can. The thing…