Evolution of the Web: From Static Pages to Decentralized Ownership

Vedika Bhasin
2 min readFeb 10, 2024


— Guide and reflection

This article doesn’t dive deep into beginner friendly explanations. Find those words explained in my technical guide— Web 3.0 Key Terms: Beyond the Buzzwords.

The third generation of the internet.

Currently being built and undefined in it’s true potential, web3 will become the new normal where websites and apps will process information with other emerging technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML), Blockchain, Extended Reality, and many, many more..

The artwork image was generated by Google’s AI — Gemini.

The evolution in the history of the web.

The early internet was founded on values of equality, transparency and world wide information access. Soon companies like Google, Facebook (Meta), Uber, Amazon, etc became web2 giants — wielding user data for profits on their product.

The transition from web2 involves a hybrid phase called web2.5. A period that allows traditional companies to explore web3 technologies while adapting their businesses for the future. From web2 to web3, platforms and apps will now gradually onboard to become useful to “web3 protocols” like decentralization with open-browsers and cross-platform applications.

Decentralization is the heart of web3

Decentralization shifts power from corporations and gives it to the consumer of the internet. The idea of decentralization reduces the control giant tech companies or monopolies have over the internet and data moving forward.

It also calls for a significant transformation of the internet, reshaping how we interact with information and each other. For example, tools like MetaMask allow you to interact with tech like cryptocurrencies and NFTs without relying on centralized institutions. Digital Wallets as such allow you to store and manage crypto securely. Moreover, they allow consumers to access decentralized applications (dApps) built on blockchains, and keep maintain ownership and control over their digital assets like NFTs.

Web3’s key features :

  • Ubiquity: Seamless access to information across devices and platforms.
  • Semantic Web: Intelligent systems understand and process information like humans, enabling personalized experiences.
  • Artificial Intelligence: AI powers smart programs and content creation.
  • Spatial Web & 3D Graphics: Immersive experiences with XR and the metaverse virtual hub.
  • Decentralization via Blockchain: No single entity controls the web; instead, power is distributed among users.

Many experts believe blockchain-powered applications will be the key to ensure adequate decentralization, while tools like AI and ML will bring in automation for easy shaping and scaling across the web.

Web3 holds the potential to transform the internet into a more intelligent, interactive, and user-centric space. A decentralized future where individuals have greater control over their online experiences.

More on each of these key features coming soon.



Vedika Bhasin

Industry thinking and filtered knowledge about AR, VR, XR and Creative Technology