The Ministry of Cruelty

S. Artesian

Originally published as a Bulletin at Anti-Capital

Accidents never happen in a perfect world, and accidents are few and far between in the perfectly miserable world fashioned by advanced, decrepit capitalism. It’s no…

Penny Arcade

S. Artesian

Originally published in Anti-Capital #11

When you’re dead, part of the problem is that anybody, including people you would never have anything to do with when you were alive, can claim to be your “student,” your “follower,” your acolyte, and…

Police Then and Now


Originally published in Anti-Capital #11


In Ancient Spartan society, Helots were, more or less, the agricultural slaves of the entire Spartan State. They were required to surrender a portion of their…

On the Equality of Necessity; On the Necessity of Equality

S. Artesian

Originally published in Anti-Capital #11

The commodity is a use-value, an article or object of some use to human beings. Existence may have no purpose; history may…

Step Forward

S. Artesian

Originally published in Anti-Capital #11

1. It is fundamental to both Marx’s historical materialism and his critique of political economy that the development of capitalism presupposes the establishment and maintenance of a certain advance in…

Workplace Submission 1

Originally published in Anti-Capital #11

This is the first of what will be a series of articles from workers about the conditions in their workplaces. We encourage our readers to write and submit their own experiences in the workplace, whether that includes

The 100,000: May Day 2018

Originally published as a Bulletin at Anti-Capital


May 1, 2018

On this International Workers Day in the US, we are witnessing a rising trajectory of labor’s class struggles. In the latest issue of…

Of Trade and War

Originally published as a Bulletin at Anti-Capital

S. Artesian

Half of every capitalist, “entrepreneur,” bourgeois is a….shopkeeper; that half made more than half-mad over threats, real and imagined, to his or her property, his or her shop. The…

To the Teachers of West Virginia

Originally published in Anti-Capital #10

There is no shortage of articles, columns, posts on the web about, if not directly titled, “The Lessons of the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike.” That’s good. We never outgrow our need to learn, particularly…

The State of My Workplace, and Probably Yours

Originally published in Anti-Capital #10


As described elsewhere profitability is once again on the decline. So the capitalist class, much like the working class occasionally, is…

Makings of a Strike Wave

Originally published in Anti-Capital #10


Three Months Into 2018

2017 was a bad year for the working-class. Really, it was just the latest in a very long series of bad years. The combination of the…

The Back Story

Originally published in Anti-Capital #10


So let’s pick up the strands of the economic dislocation from 2008, although these threads extend much further back in time, at least to 1970. At the very least.

The Workers’ Party and Ideology

Originally published in Anti-Capital #10


The hallmark of ideology is when one projects what one wants to see happening in a given situation, episode or event in the class struggle, in place of what one is actually…

Two Hundred and Counting

Originally published in Anti-Capital #10


This May 5 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx and that might not appear to be a big deal since a) Marx has been dead for 135 of those anniversaries and b) capitalism…

The International Women’s Strike

Originally published as a Bulletin at Anti-Capital


March 11, 2018

An international wave of demonstrations, protests and strikes swept the world on International Women’s Day, March 8th 2018…

Rockin’ the Boat

Originally published in Anti-Capital #9

S. Artesian

1. Marx distinguishes circulation time from production time as a tool for examining the different phases of movement that make up that total rotation of capital from money to more money. The…

A Circle of Circles (Part Two of n)

Originally published in Anti-Capital #9


In the previous article we looked at production, distribution, circulation, and consumption as isolated moments and considered in the abstract. The goal of this…

Impermanent Revolution

Originally published in Anti-Capital #9

S. Artesian

Revolution, Defeat, and Theoretical Underdevelopment:

Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia

Calculating Surplus Value To Facilitate Workplace Organizing

Originally published in Anti-Capital #9


Using Marx’s critique of political economy, it’s possible for workers employed in a variety of industries to calculate the value…

Not All Strikes Are Created Equal

Originally published as a Bulletin at Anti-Capital

March 7, 2018

West Virginia teachers and school service personnel have returned to work. I wasn’t sure if they would accept the settlement and return to the schools…

Bookending The Working Class

Originally published as a Bulletin at Anti-Capital

S. Artesian

It’s not exactly a secret that over the last 35 years, labor unions have experienced “lean times;” nor is it a secret that the “lean times” have been codified as…

7 Days Out

Originally published as a Bulletin at Anti-Capital

March 02, 2018

A number of positives have emerged from the West Virginia teachers’ strike, now in its 7th day.