Reflecting on Anangsha Alammyan ‘s journey- One of the top writers on Medium.

A classic example of the saying — Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

Sravani Kothapalli
Any Writers
4 min readFeb 28, 2021


Image provided by Anangsha Alammyan

In your lifetime, you come across many writers. Some stay with you and influence you. Some inspire you to learn. I came across one such in 2016 when I stumbled upon a Quora’s answer, where the writer expressed a sensitive moment between a brother and sister. As I finished reading that answer, tears rolled down my cheeks. I immediately checked on the writer, and it’s none other than Anangsha Alammyan.

Her approach of narrating stories kept attracting me towards her work. It seemed more real and personal. Her witty, whimsical, and striking stories attracted many just like me, and her followers’ kept growing. She is a 2x Quora top writer in no time.

This civil engineer soon turned into a published author with her first book — Stolen Reflections. Though my inclination towards poetry is relatively less, seeing excellent reviews, I bought the book on amazon. And boom!! This one book has opened a new world for me- the world of poetry. The book has shed light on poetry in form, love, passion, loss, heartbreak, escape, emotions, and stories. If you were to read the book, pace yourself for a fantastic poetic journey.

Each section is a masterpiece in itself. It’s a whole science of poetry bound in 180 pages. Anangsha had left no stone unturned in adding every style of poetry in her debut book. From Acrostic to Clerihew to Ballad to Etheree, she had them all. Displaying emotions is Anangsha’s forte.

I want to share my favorite form, Cinquain, — ‘Without you,’ also published in Poetry in Form.

Isn’t it a beautiful piece of art?

I fell in love with poetry post reading this book and tried my hands to write a few. She inspired me to perceive and learn.

This wordsmith had broadened her horizons and published her next book, a thriller titled — “What did Tashi do?”

In this short novel, Tashi Chottan’s world turns upside down when she receives an anonymous e-mail with her semi-naked picture attached to it. Anangsha walks us through the suspense of how Tashi faces her worst nightmare coming true? How can a single mistake ruin her life? How Tashi deals with the man who is ahead of her in every way? Can she gain control over her life?

It’s a nail-biting, spine-chilling story that focuses on misplaced trust, blackmailing, friendship, the vulnerability of technology. Author’s thorough technical research in cybersecurity and detailing intrigued me. Anangsha added every detail in the right proportion for the reader to experience the thrill.

Her expertise to establish a seamless connection with her readers is unparalleled. Turning such a cliche topic into a gripping thriller in just 70pages is a feat that only Anangsha can achieve.

Anangsha’s never-ending quench for storytelling landed her on Medium, a relatively new platform for Indian readers and writers. While the whole country is experiencing the pandemic lockdown, this young woman is busy converting a crisis into opportunities. She started being persistent on Medium. It gave her a chance to reach a more broad and diverse audience. On Medium, she writes on personal development, feminism, and books.

For example, this poem on the free verse — ‘What does sadness sound like?’ shows her exquisite, subtle and impactful writing style. Her personal touch to every stanza makes it more relatable to the audience. It always fascinates me how she can transform anything into a story.

Anangsha is currently one of the top writers on Medium with 4.4k followers. She published her stories in some of the most elite publications like Better Humans, Mind Cafe, P.S.I love you, Zora, An injustice, Publishous, and so on.

You, too, can get into prominent publications with tips from Anangsha.

She is monetizing her passion for writing: the better the stories, the better the reader engagement, and the better the monetizing chances. She made $1000+ for three months on Medium. Wanna know how?

Despite having a full-time job and being a research student herself, Anagsha always believed books are her superpower. Every writer dreams of making a difference and brings a change through their writing. She achieves her dream by her publication on Medium by the same name: Books are our superpower.

It’s a community that celebrates books and their creators.

She also started her Youtube Channel to help figure out new writers starting on Medium and books.

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” -– Henry Ford

Like Henry Ford stated, Anangsha’s life mantra is her zeal for learning while being patient.

I have seen Anangsha grow organically. From Anangsha’s journey, I have learned that perseverance, hard work, and focus give us a voice to impact the masses.



Sravani Kothapalli
Any Writers

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