It’s Hashtags

I can’t believe it took me this long!

Wambui Njuguna
Anyone Can Write Online
5 min readJul 15, 2022


Social Media Content Optimization

I recently came to a realization about social media content that I believe is the breakthrough I have been looking for.

Frankly, I should have realized it sooner, but social media is not something I am very familiar with. I only started being active on social networking sites when I started promoting my articles.

Before then, I owned a Twitter account with at least 200 followers. I only ever scrolled through it when I was bored.

Image: Author

I didn’t realize how much potential it held and how much its active users whose content I was often engaging in were benefiting from it. But then again, I had no reason to be in that mindset; I wasn’t trying to make money online.

I didn’t communicate much on social media. I’m, unfortunately, not one of the introverts that turn a little extroverted behind the screens. I also didn’t cater much to my social life, which I’m not proud of.

Besides messaging on my phone, a few calls, and WhatsApp, I didn’t find a use for other social networking sites.

When I started my freelance writing career, I was required to promote my content on social media.

Believe me, I would find it easier if I didn’t have to and instead used magnets to attract people to my art, but I have grown fond of using social media.

It’s challenging! That came as a surprise.

photo: Ben Pasquel on Pexels

I know that may be surprising for most of you, but I honestly didn’t think it was this hard.

Nobody sees my tweets, there’s very little engagement on my Linked In posts, and although there’s a flock of friend requests on Facebook, they don’t seem to see my page!

I thought it was going to be a little easier than that. I mean, there are approximately 5 billion internet users globally, how hard could it possibly be to find like-minded people who’ll like my content and be my audience?

Pretty hard, I’ll tell you, and I wasn’t prepared for that.

I’m not one to back down from a challenge though. So, every day I posted and there was minimal engagement, I tried to change that for the better.

There were creators like me with huge followings and an audience that never fails to engage with their content. I could become just like them. So, I set out to learn what it takes to create an audience on social media.

Here’s what I learned

The first thing I learned was that I was quite full of myself and frankly a bit foolish to think that people would eat up my plain content.

It was helpful, insightful, and informative, but that was all I had to offer.

Nobody wanted that when scrolling through their phone during an afternoon slump. That’s quite boring.

With time and more trials with better content, I learned what it takes to build an audience.

This article from Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi taught me how to improve my engagement on Linked In.

I followed every tip and advice she gave and I have seen progress.

Image: Author

This article by Carol Tice helped me know what type of content would place my posts in front of the right audience.

The article that led to my huge revelation

Our very own founder’s article brought me to my huge realization.

In her article, From 0 to 1.5k Twitter Followers in One Month, Susie Pinon tells, in detail,l how she gained her followers.

You can read it here:

She narrates that she wasn’t very fond of Twitter before due to a former occurrence but decided to use it solely for marketing.

Thanks to her experience and accomplishment, many of us here on Medium, possibly thousands, will have an easier time navigating social media and building our audiences.

One of the lessons I took away from her article was the use of hashtags.

Yes, I should have probably realized it sooner, but I didn’t, and I’m very thankful to Susie for helping me see it sooner.

Here’s why I believe hashtags are a must-use for your social media content.

1. They put you (the creator) and your audience (millions of scrollers) in the same trajectory

Twitter uses AI to learn user interests. Similarly, LinkedIn uses AI and machine learning to optimize member experience.

Using hashtags will get you closer to the audience interested in the type of content you post. It will be easier to find people who are interested in your work.

2. They further optimize your content

Using a hashtag increases the relevance of your content.

If you are using social media to promote your work, it is useless if the content you write doesn’t go out to an audience that would appreciate it.

Using keywords is one way to get you there, but it wouldn’t hurt to take it a step further and use hashtags to increase your reach.

Your content will be in front of an audience that’s already waiting for that type of content.

4. People who use search buttons may land on your page after it is suggested to them based on their search.

5. Access to a community

There are hundreds or thousands of other people using the same hashtag as you. Some of them may even be a community you have something in common with, and who wouldn’t like to not feel alone after sitting behind their screen for hours.

If you are not like me and already had the blueprint for social media, you probably already knew how to easily promote your content on social media, but I bet I’ve given you at least one more reason to use hashtags.

As you can see from my Linked In analytics, I still have a long way to go. I’m doing better on Twitter. I followed Susie’s path and used the hashtags #writer’slift and #WritingCommunity.

I’m still struggling on Facebook, but I will get there.

Connect with me @IntrovertWorld8, a new account, on Twitter so we can grow together. Read Susie’s article to find out more about how you can increase your Twitter audience.

Happy writing!



Wambui Njuguna
Anyone Can Write Online

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