Take 17 Days Off and Get Shit On

The Orange Journal is still here

Susie Pinon
Anyone Can Write Online


Susie Pinon
It’s me

Sometimes you just want to curl up into a ball and retreat. Maybe you know the feeling.

It’s funny. A random article I wrote for the sole purpose of getting things off my chest generated a long litany of comments.

Some hateful, others kind.

I’ll be honest. I stopped reading them. Just can’t bend so much anymore.

You know what else is funny?

How we tend to judge one another.

A couple of days back, a stranger found my personal Facebook and sent me a message after I denied his friend request.

He felt I owed him an explanation for ‘misleading writers’ on Medium and quite frankly, he was an idiot.

I didn’t think my absence would be noticed to the point of receiving hateful messages from Medium friends and strangers alike.

My top favorite,

“Stop moaning, work harder.”

Medium is a frightful place. It’s designed to elicit a sense of urgency to keep up with one another.

Breaking free from the chains of pressure we place on ourselves is utterly dramatic.



Susie Pinon
Anyone Can Write Online

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉