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Apartment List
Smarter. Fairer. More transparent. Say hello to a better world of renting for all.
Note from the editor

Smarter. Fairer. More transparent. Say hello to a better world of renting for all.

Go to the profile of Debbie Sorkin
Go to the profile of Alex Lee
Go to the profile of Anoop
Go to the profile of Jordan Pease
Jordan Pease
Architect turned Product Designer — Social entrepreneur with borderline OCD—Doing lots with little.
Go to the profile of Sania Tran
Go to the profile of Takashi Mizohata
Go to the profile of Daniel Kim
Daniel Kim
UX Researcher at Apartment List — constantly fascinated by people, how they think, and why they think the way they do.
Go to the profile of Erin Monroe
Erin Monroe
Erin is the Sr. Manager of Executive Operations & People Experience. In her spare time, she is an active board member supporting breast cancer awareness.