Destructive Beliefs VS Constructive Beliefs

Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2024
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Self-destructive belief:

I must always be the best and do everything flawlessly.

Constructive self-belief:

I can accept that I make mistakes like everyone else and that’s okay

Self-destructive belief:

I should not disappoint others by rejecting their requests.

Self-constructive belief:

There’s nothing wrong with saying no, I don’t need to please everyone all the time.

Self-destructive belief:

I can’t rest and sit idle for a moment. My achievements make me valuable.

Constructive self-belief:

My real value is my character, my way of thinking and so on
It determines my behavior with others.

Self-destructive belief:

The bad thing that happened to me is nothing compared to the sufferings of others.

Constructive self-belief:

I should not compare my suffering with others, I am allowed to be sad too.

Self-destructive belief:

I must always think positively, otherwise I am an ungrateful person.

Constructive self-belief:

There is a flaw in every good thing.
Extreme positivity hurts me.



Parviz Haqshanas
Apex Perspectives

Passionate writer sharing stories from various topics and my experiences and enthusiastic in reading.